Claude De Alger Obelia
Emperor, your majesty, Father

Rox, is it true that Raizel is dying?

With my kindness and generosity, I have let you live here, even took care of you. You are in debt with me.

Raizel Eros... my son
I... im sorry


The loved princess

Athanasia De Alger ObeliaAlivePrincess, Athy, sister, Athanasia

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Athanasia De Alger Obelia
Princess, Athy, sister, Athanasia

Brother, you're pale are you sick?


Father did you know the first time I met brother, I was 3 I remembered it well because of his eyes back then, it was so lonely, so sad I wanted to comfort him, I wanted to tell him everything is going to be ok, but no word came out of my mouth, I was only able to hug him and cry for him.


The knight of crimson blood

The knight of crimson blood

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Felix Robane

His highness, The prince, if I can be blunt at some point I thought he was a doll only moving to serve it's purpose.

I can ask the prince if he has memorial stones, since his highness treated lady Diana as his mother im sure he'll have some.

The prince, I've always noticed how empty his eyes were but only brushed it of since, he was always smiling


The Knight

The Knight

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