The owl beast stood still, juggling something in its mouth before spitting on the empty bottle. It turned back to Luz and growled, showing it's sharp teeth!

"What?! Why didn't it work?!" Luz asked in shock!

"Oh no! It's just like before! One elixir isn't enough to change Eda back!" King shouted to Luz. "We need the rest in her room!"

"Wait, you knew this?!" Luz asked before jumping out of the way as Eda tried to bite her! "Forget it, let's go!"

Snatching King up, Luz ran from the owl beast as it gave chase! Roaring as its prey were escaping! They don't have to run far as Luz knocked the doors to Eda's room down and turned to the closet, where a case of elixirs were stashed!

"Get the bottles, I'll hold Eda down!" Luz said as she dropped King, quickly turning around to grapple Eda's large beast hands! "Hurry!"

King quickly ran to the closet and got two orbs in his hands ready, he just needs to wait for Luz to restrain Eda! Back with the human girl, she was slowly pushed Eda back before she threw her hands away and tackled her!

"Got you!" Luz shouted, lifting Eda up and throwing her to the other side of the room!

Eda crashed next to her nest as Luz quickly made a bowling ball sized plant bomb and threw at at her! The green ball burst into vines that wrapped around Eda's beats body to restrain her! Luz sighed in relief as she turned off the power glyph before Eda began thrashing in the vines

"Raaah! Raaah!" Eda screech and roared as she struggled in the vines, slowly snapping them!

"King, you better hurry with those elixirs!" Luz shouted, making more plant bombs and throwing them.

"On it!" King shouted, running up to Eda and forcing her to drink the two elixirs. "Let's see if three work."

King quickly pulled away, waiting for results with Luz until they saw Eda still hadn't changed back! She was still the owl beast and she was still roaring at them!

"Not even after three?" Luz said with increasing worry, the curse was stronger than it ever wax before!

"We need to try more then!" King said as he turned to get more.

"I'll help." Luz said, going after King.

It took ten more elixirs, a total of 13 bottles in all, for Eda to turn back normal.

"Mm?" Eda let out a bottle in her mouth before she pulled it out. "Phew, thanks for that, kid."

Eda pulled herself out of the vines before noticing them and the other dozen of bottles on the floor.

"Oh! And...for those too." Eda said as he scarf came undone and revealed her gem!

"Hang on, your gem is still half dark!" Luz said, pointing to the gem as the bottom half was completely pitch black!

"Hang on, your gem is still half dark!" Luz said, pointing to the gem as the bottom half was completely pitch black!

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Luz Noceda, The FighterWhere stories live. Discover now