Chapter Eleven

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Everything seemed to start to spiral after your mind had drifted into its little dark corner, you'd found yourself unable to sleep most nights. When Remus had seen you, he showed an amount of concern for you, simply worrying for your health, mental and physical. Currently, you were drifting away from reality in front of a book in the library, almost going insane as you slowly scanned the pages. Trying to find a home within the worn, discoloured pages. The book in question was Jane Eyre, a classic written by a muggle called, Charlotte Bronte, her works always found a way to captivate you.

Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you let out a heavy sigh. Insomnia wasn't being kind to you in the slightest. Darkness had somehow made every little shadow look like a dementor, ready to jump on you at any given moment. You almost felt like crying at the looming amount of tiredness that was failing to crash down on you, your head too full of thoughts to even get a wink of sleep. Even so, the small amount of sleep you had managed to get, was usually filled with nightmares. A heavy contrast to the past short while of bliss you'd happily had, dreaming of you and Lupin together in different scenarios.

Deciding to attempt, once again, you checked out the book, just in case it was after hours when you decided to come back. Walking through the halls, tears threatened to spill as you made your way to the Hufflepuff common room. You missed life before you let your thoughts take over, now you were unable to get them back under control. Standing in front of the barrel entrance, you stood, for once unsure if you wanted to go back to your cosy yellow dorm room. Yellow wasn't a colour you resonated with at the moment, the black accents that had laced the room always seemed to comfort your soul a little more in these times.

Taking far longer than you'd thought you would, you leaned forward, lightly tapping the barrel that opened the entrance. Slumping your way through, you pushed open the round door that lead towards the girls' dormitories. Practically stumbling into your dorm, you ambled over to your assigned bed before falling onto the comfortable mattress. Praying to Helga Hufflepuff herself, that she would let you at least get a wink of sleep. Using a simple charm, you changed your clothes quickly before placing your wand on your side table. Shuffling under your bedsheets, you closed your eyes, laying in complete silence, hoping the sounds of your roommates would help you fall fast asleep for once.

I'm Sorry | Remus Lupin x Reader | (Further Editing)Where stories live. Discover now