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Jayden and George are some of Harry's friends but they're total assholes.
Harry knows that I don't like them that much but he doesn't know the whole reason why. He thinks I just don't like them because they're typical f-boys and like to break some hearts but I actually have a history with them. Harry doesn't know about it because I'm kind of embarrassed about what happened. I mean it was some time ago but I still don't like to talk about it...

When I was in 4th grade I had a huge crush on Jayden, embarrassing I know but he was cute and had soft brown curls, almost every girl had a crush on him back then. So stupid as I am when he asked me out as a dare, wich I didn't know at that time, I said yes. Going out together in 3rd grade wasn't as big of a deal as it is now, it basically means that I was going to play with him in the break, little did I know he and George had other plans with me.
So in the break he told me to play "hide and seek" with him and his friends. The first few rounds were fun, but then it was Jayden's turn to seek. I hid in a bush behind the school and at first I thought everything was great because he didn't find me, but then I got a little suspicious. I was already hiding for about 15 minutes and he still didn't find me, it never took that long before. I decided to wait 5 more minutes and if he wouldn't find me until then I was going to go back to class.

I was almost going to leave when I heard Jayden's and George's voice they were whispering something but I couldn't quite understand what they said, only a few words: there, quiet, no choice, shh and fun. I didn't really think about it but went a little further into the bushes so they wouldn't see me. The bush was actually really big and you could easily stand in there with multiple people. I used to have little picnics in there with my friends all the time.
I heard them stopping right in front of my hiding place for a second but then they continued to walk past it. I was already sure of my winning when they suddenly appeared right in front of me. They surprised me so much that I literally jumped a little bit and Jayden was fast enough to cover my mouth so that I wouldn't scream.
"Shhh it's just us don't worry, nice hiding place Y/N really nice" he said with a weird grin on his face.

TW: SA if this topic triggers you just skip the next part I'll tell you when you can keep reading :)

"So you're really gonna do it Jay?" George asked. Do what?
"Sure d'you think I'm a pussy or what?" Jayden answered annoyed. What are they going to do to me? I thought alerted. I was so young back then that I didn't see the signs I would've clearly seen today.
"George get out and keep watch!"
George left after Jayden's demand and Jay looked at me again. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked afraid. "You don't speak until I tell you to." I nodded and looked at him while his hand kept wandering up and down my thigh. He kept getting higher until he was near my ass and gave it a little squeeze. I was getting really uncomfortable and just wanted to leave this bush. At first I thought he might like me too and just wanted to talk but it didn't seem like that anymore. I was about to scream for help but Jayden was once again faster and covered my mouth with his other hand. "If you scream now you'll feel very sorry" he grunted enraged. I gulped and nodded again. Now that he was angry he was going very much faster and one of his hands slid under my t-shirt. His other hand wandered near my crotch. Now I was starting to get really tense and scared. My body started shaking and I got goose bumps all over the places where he touched me. "D'you like what I'm doing?" He asked grinning. I didn't react so he took it as a yes. Desperately I looked around to find a way out if this situation and I saw a big branch next to me so I took it and hit Jayden on the head, he was so confused that he stopped holding me and I used the moment to run out of the bush and into the school building.

Now it's safe to read again :))

I still feel like it was all my fault because I chose to play with them and I was the one who hid in the bush.

Harry doesn't know so I'm not mad that he is friends with them I just try to avoid spending time with them and not think back to that day too much. I never told anyone and I don't plan on doing that any time soon, also it's so long ago that it would be weird to bring it up now.

"Harry when are you leaving?" I ask.
"In a week just like mom and dad."
That means I have another week to annoy him.

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