Part 7 - Not Anymore

Start from the beginning

His mind seems to be somewhere else.

"No, we're not going to ask for a refund. My fiancé just loves to prank people." He said then pulled May out of the store.

"Jay this is too much. I'm wearing more than I can afford. I'm not this flashy. Isn't this being a hypocrite? Please let's just ask them nicely and return this." She begged but Jay didn't speak to her until they're back in the plane. He rubbed his temples and turned around to not see her face for a while.

"Jay, I can't afford this. This is like my salary for three months without paying for any bills." She told her, grabbing his hand again to go back to the store.

Jay tuned to her and sighed. "Says who?" He asked. "You work for me now. This is not even half your salary. This is your salary for a day." He told her. "Why do you return all my gifts for you, huh? Why do you always make me feel like I can't give you anything that would make you happy?" He asked in frustration.

May was silenced all of a sudden. He's speaking nonsense again. Something is wrong with this guy.

"Is this some sort of technique you're doing? Make me feel like I have to do more for you? Look and guess for the things you want? This is something new to me. Just tell me what to do. How do you want this to go?" He asked.

May got more confused now. "What is this even? Technique for what? I can't follow you. Am I dumb?" She asked.

Jay chuckled and sat on his seat. "May, don't you think I haven't figured you out already? You planned this whole thing. You broke the teacups to make an impression and to comeback here at night just to give your mother's teacups. You made it look like you're wasted from two glasses of wine and make it seem like I'm proposing to you. You made yourself look suicidal and clumsy so I'd come to your rescure and make it seem like I wrapped my arms around you. You manipulated me to disappear so we'd look like we're really engaged." He said but this time it's May who's chuckling.

"Am I that powerful?" She laughs. "I didn't plan anything." She shook her head and sat down as well thinking of how ridiculous he sounded.

"Oh come on. You're just like any other secretary I've had. Yours is just more creative. You all show me for a week or so that you're not interested in money and position then the moment I fall I become your personal ATM and bank account." He told her.

May felt sorry that he went through all this shit to the point where he developed trust issues and suspect everyone around her.

"So this is what it's all about. You're just waiting for me to ask you for expensive things." She now understood why he's always furious and keep on giving her his black card.

"Did you actually fall for your secretaries?" She asked because it's what she's most curious of.

Jay sighed and looked away. "Stop making fun of me." His cheeks blushed in embarrassment.

"I'm not..."

"Like them?" Jay finished May's sentence. "You're different? You're the chosen one? The girl who would rescue me? Is that it?" He asked coldly.

"How do you even fall for people when you don't see people's souls? The first time we shopped, your mind seems to be so far away. You're always in a hurry. Do you even breathe?" May asked him.

"I don't have time to breathe. This is why I ran away. I can't take it anymore. I want to have fun and relax, and you're here giving me more problems. Can't you just say that you like the fucking outfit and thank me?" He asked.

"I like it. Thank you." May just gave him what he wanted. She didn't want him to stress anymore.

Jay smiled and looked at her. Even though he knew she might might be lying, it gives him comfort.

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