You're Not For Sale

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Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide is mentioned in this chapter. If you're sensitive about this topic, please refrain from reading.

Having the most difficult time of her life, Lee May tries to start over again and apply for a new job. Her last one declared that she's not fit for work because of her mental health. When she gets depressed her workmates always complain that she's difficult to communicate with.

After wasting her time working for a corrupted hospital, she has finally decided to start working somewhere that doesn't involve emergency procedure and taking care of sick and dying people. This time she applied for a role of a secretary.

"Starting today, it'll be different." She told herself.

"I doubt it!" Her half brother Ni-ki shouted from his room. Her mother was remarried with a Japanese man when her father left them and had Ni-ki. He's a handful. He plays pranks around the house and sometimes he takes it too far, but he's the only unpredictable and thrill in May's life.

May smiled in the mirror to convince herself that she's happy. She usually practice her smile in the mirror back when she works at the hospital because she has to smile and convince the patient and relatives of the patient that she's happy to serve them. Plus, it makes her look more approachable and polite.

Now it's a part of her routine when she goes out of the house.

She went out of her room and joined everyone for breakfast. As expected it's a japanese breakfast with rice sausages  and natto – her most hatest thing in the world. It's not for everyone. May hates any type of beans.

Ni-ki watched as May set the natto aside with her spoon and took it excitedly.

"Ni-ki, stop stealing your sister's food." His fafher told him.

"I don't like it." May told them.

"See, she doesn't like it." Ni-ki said and proceeds to eat.

May took a bite of her food but realized she doesn't have an appetite. She pushed her plate to Ni-ki and stood up.

"Honey, you need energy for your interview." Her mother told her in concern but May flashed her best rehearsed smile. "I'm good mother.' She then ruffled Ni-ki's hair and proceeds to her interview.

Ni-ki followed her towards the bus stop and stood next to her. She assumed that he's just going to school but when her bus came, Ni-ki suddenly placed something on her pocket. "Goodluck on your interview. I'm sure you'll get it." He said then ran away.

May smiled, appreciating Ni-ki's thoughtfulness that he couldn't express most of the time. He's so cute when he does.

She rode the bus and listened to music on her way to her interview to calm herself. She practiced her smile once again. She believes that looking happy would get her the job. She will apply to be a customer service front desk on this huge grocery store near the area.

She can finally be close to home and get comfortable.

She believes that nobody really needs front desk and she'll finally get a job that's easy but will earn triple her past salary. This will be a great way to start her life again. She closed her eyes and unfortunately, she fell asleep and missed her stop.

When she woke up, she's in the middle of the busy city. May checked the time and realized she's late for her interview. She's not the most punctual now. A text message popped up and her interview has been canceled because she didn't show up.

Her life is over now.

"What did I do wrong?" She asked herself, frustrated and angry with herself that she couldn't think straight.

You're Not For Sale (P.JS ff)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora