He walked into the last room available and smiled at Eva.

“I see you let Sammy help you this morning.”

Eva smiled as she turned to face him.

“I did. She was so excited about gaining weight, I couldn't deny her wish.” Eva pouted, making Bryten laugh.

“Thank you for taking up such time with them.”

“I always worry I may have missed one.” she sighed.

“I know. I worry too. I has been four years since her death and I still think about her every day.”  Bryten spoke.

Bryten thought back to the day his sister had ended it all. She had been fifteen. She had been so depressed since their father had died. His family had tried everything, but nothing worked. One morning she woke up and decided she couldn’t take it. She ended her life in her little bathroom. Her death had devastated everyone in the family and even four years later they were still mending.

Allie would have been proud of the wing. They started plans for it a few months after she died and it was opened on her sixteenth birthday. The town has taken her death just as hard as the Jackson family had and getting approval for the wing had been no problem.

“She would have been pleased with our progress.” Eva said, as if she was reading Bryten's mind.

“Yes, she would have.”

“I got a new room ready just in case you do accept the new girl.”

“I am pretty sure I will take her. I haven't met her yet, but I feel lead to already. She is will be the youngest patient we have ever taken, but I think it will be fine.”

“How old is she?” Eva asked.


“It makes a difference that her parents are determined to admit her. You don’t see that often.” Eva said.

“They said no psychiatrist has found anything wrong with her. “ Bryten stated in skepticism.

“That is really odd.” Eva said.

“What did they say was wrong with her?”

“She is oddly quiet. She often refuses to eat and it has fits of emotion.”

“That sounds like Aliie, Bryten.” she stated.

“That is why I am hesitant to take her.”

“When do you meet with her?” Eva asked.

Breaking Her Chains (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now