Risque Business

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Risqué Business

Amy Andrews

Risky becomes risqué when late night cravings for double-chocolate pecan pie lead to cravings of the carnal variety for a pregnant Samantha and an ever patient Nick.

Risqué Business is an epilogue featuring Samantha and Nick from Risky Business, published in July 2014 by Escape Publishing.

Samantha needed double-chocolate pecan pie with extra cream and ice-cream bad. She needed it now. Right now. It didn’t matter that it was ten o’clock at night. Or that they’d had to leave the cool comfort of their air-conditioned hotel room to brave the fifteen minute walk in the oppressively sultry Sydney night.

Only the pie mattered.

Hell, she needed it so desperately she practically levitated across the floor of Cafe Nix to get to the refrigerated display case—no mean feat with two tiny human beings residing inside her.

“Oh, thank God you’re still open,” she said to Nix, the petite, curly-haired woman behind the counter. “You’re a life saver.”

Nix had served her pecan pie for the last three days. Nix was a goddess.

“Open till eleven every night,” Nix said. “Let me guess, you want double-chocolate pecan pie, right?”

“The babies want it,” Nick corrected, his big warm hand gliding onto Sam’s shoulder. There was humour in his sleepy sounding voice as he gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and she leaned back into him.

Nix smiled at him then glanced at Sam. “Demanding little critters, aren’t they?”

Sam ran a hand over her up-sized six-month bump. “You have no idea.”

“Well, you’re in luck, there’s one piece left.”

Sam’s salivary glands went into a frenzy as she spied the piece in question through the cool, curved glass. “Excellent.”

“You want some coffee?”

“Can’t,” Sam said, patting her belly. She hadn’t had coffee for six months and she missed it like a long-lost friend but right now all she cared about was the pie. Why wasn’t it already on a plate?

Nix glanced at Nick. “You look like you could do with a little caffeine charge?”

He nodded. “I’ll have a double shot of espresso.”

And in under minute they had both and were sitting down at the nearest table. Sam, her mouth awash with saliva, attacked the sweet treat. “Oh God yes,” she groaned, shutting her eyes as it hit her tastebuds and flooded her mouth with sweet, sticky, crunchy bliss. It was almost a shame to swallow.


“Just what I needed,” she sighed, opening her eyes again to find Nick staring at her mouth. In that way of his. Like he wanted to taste her. Maybe make her groan for an entirely different reason. Something squirmed deep and low inside her. And it wasn’t a baby for a change. Her pulse did a funny little jitterbug.

He looked so damn sexy tonight in his faded blue jeans and dark grey tee, his hair all shaggy and finger-combed, his lovely, hard jaw all covered in scruff. She wondered what his lips would taste like smeared in double-chocolate pecan pie. The squirmy thing happened again. A tingly thing joined it. A little heat got added to the mix.

Ooh. She remembered this feeling.

Surprising considering how damn long it had been.

Sam’s stomach rumbled loudly and the urge that had hauled her out of bed to seek pie returned. The urge that must be obeyed. She dragged her eyes off her sexy husband and shoved another spoonful into her mouth. She offered him the second spoon Nix had thoughtfully provided. “Are you hungry?”

It Happened at Cafe NixWhere stories live. Discover now