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"She's Waiting For You."

It has been forever since I step out from the Palace.

When the First Prince headed out from his residence and went to the Crown Prince's residence, I followed him behind and suddenly we're outside the Palace.

I never wanted to go out from the Palace since the Shamans are probably out there, and I don't want to experience exorcism. I'm not a bad ghost!

But, when I realised that I'm actually walking outside of the Palace, it's already too far away from the Palace and I don't want to go back alone since I don't know the way.

I don't want to be a lost ghost, so I just follow them closely from behind while keeping my guard for any shamans that could possibly pops up from any directions.

Both of my grandsons are having so much fun and I'm happy of the two's bonds.

I was wary before when the King's decided to bring the First Prince back into the Palace but looking at them today makes this Grandma's heart of mine soothed. 

I know that probably the First Prince is indeed the 'King' and he has finally reincarnated.  I felt glad because at least he's not a ghost and he's not alone, like me. And, I could see him again even in this form, as long as he's living healthily, I won't ask for more.

For now, this is enough. I would become his 'guardian'.


The city is so lively at night and there are tonnes of citizens at the streets walking around and I keep bumping and going through everyone and I didn't know a ghost could feel nauseous from passing through people.

After almost three hours of spending time in the city, finally the Crown Prince calls it a day.

We're walking back to the Palace when someone's stops us on our track. An old lady is crouching and her hands are searching something on the ground.

"Grandma, what are you looking for?" The Crown Prince asks politely. 

"Oh, young man, someone bumped me and sent my stick flying away. I couldn't find it," she says. She's a blind person and her eyes are all white.

I see a long stick not too far away and point at it, "It's there, there." But no one hears me except for the old lady. She seems to lift up her head and her all-white eyes are looking at me.

The First Prince picks up the stick and hands it to her.

They bid her goodbyes and as they walk away, the old lady grabs the First Prince's arm.

The First Prince looks at her quizzically. Then  she leans closer to him and whispers.

I come closer to hear what she says.

"It's time to pay what you had promised," she lets go of his arm and as she says the next words, she 'looks' at me. "She's waiting for you."

The First Prince knits his brows as he looks at her.  He wants to ask her something but she walks away and disappears in the crowd.

"What did she say?" The Crown Prince asks.

"I had promised something and someone's waiting for me?" The First Prince scratches his head and looks towards the crowd.

"What's that mean? Why does it sound like a marriage's promise? Do you have someone, Older Brother?"

"Why does it suddenly about my marriage?" The First Prince looks annoyed. "Whatever,  let's go back, it's late."

Past Promises Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ