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For the next few months, the five soldiers underwent an intensive training program. They were already strong, but their new memories and the serum weren't enough.

They started with the simplest things, such as  learning new languages, coming to speak fluently over thirty of them.
Then they went on to learn how to recognize and use any type of firearm, spending ten hours a day at the shooting range to improve their aim, returning to their cells at the end of the day with their ears ringing despite the headphones.
They learned to use knives, blades and bow and arrows. They learned to drive cars, motorcycles, and how to fly helicopters and jets.

They then began military training, learning to survive and adapt to any situation. They even had basic nursing education so that they could practice medications and first aid actions -on themselves and other companions- in emergency situations.
Then they moved on to hand-to-hand combat. Combat patterns were first inculcated into them through videos, imprinting those images in their minds, then they were personally trained by the best Soviet soldiers and the Winter Soldier himself, learning all kinds of martial arts and combat.

All combined with hours and hours of ballet, gymnastics, athletics and fencing, to refine and smooth their movements and teach them the meaning of discipline.
They were often allowed to listen to classical music or opera for better concentration, especially during workouts.

Their job was to follow orders and do whatever was asked of them, and if any of them refused or resisted, they had a lesson they would hardly forget.
Torture of course.

Soon the girl realized that the more she rebelled, the more pain and punishment were inflicted on her, so she decided to submit to the power of her superiors, earning their trust.
Although sometimes her rebellious nature came out.

Karpov was very proud of his little Jewel. On the other hand, he had great things in mind for her, great projects, and then it would have been a shame to disfigure that body and that sweet face.

On the other hand, the four boys were not responding well to the serum and were difficult to control.

One year after the serum.

The Winter Soldier and one of the new super soldiers fought in an underground room, surrounded by metal bars like a prison. The other four who had been given the serum were there. The young boy blocked all the Soldier's strokes, then grabbed his metal arm, twisting it. He kicked his torso covered by the leather vest with all his strength, knocking him to the opposite side.

Karpov crossed his arms on his chest, watching the Soldier with disappointment as he stood up.
Then he referred to the young boy.
"ень хорошо. (Good work.)"

A doctor grabbed the boy's wrist to take note of his pulse, but he was knocked to the ground. A guard struck the boy on the back, without results. Suddenly the other three boys stood up, determined to support their comrade's riot.
All of them except the girl, who instead blocked a punch intended for another doctor and knocked one of her comrades to the ground with a kick straight in the face.

Karpov was pleasantly surprised.
"взять девушку. (Take the girl.)" ordered the guards.
"олдат, вытащи меня отсюда! (Get me out of here, Soldier!)" he took cover behind the Winter Soldier, pointing a gun at the four boys.

As the four effortlessly beat a team of HYDRA agents, the Soldier escorted Karpov safely out of the locked room, followed by the girl who had been handcuffed and escorted by two guards.

Everything was going according to Karpov's plan.

The group formed by Colonel Karpov, the Soldier, the girl and the two guards, reached the ground floor of the building, emerging from below, and the Colonel led them into a training room.

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