S1 Chapter 12 - New Lesson with Her

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2 hours had passed and I dressed myself up nicely.

I went through a few rooms in the room palace to find a stunning gown that could actually fit me.

I checked myself in the mirror and gave a twirl.

The purple really matched my eyes and hair.

The dress reached my ankles and was held in a round shape around the waist.

Violet Sequins were evenly placed onto the dress and the lining of the dress was decorated with glitter.

The bottom and middle part of the dress were opened with a vanilla white lace fabric.

It was really stunning and it felt so much more expensive than the dresses I wore at the Alpheus Mansion.

Looking at myself one last time and feeling alright, I grabbed a nearby purple parasol that matched the gown then I headed out of the Ruby Palace.

As I kept walking down the staircase then onto the path, I wondered where Daddy and sister could be?

Where did they normally have their tea time?

Why aren't I a part of the father-daughter time?

I mean I should get more time with Daddy because I wasn't by his side for 14 years.

Without realising I pouted and started to tread my feet along the dusty path.

I felt like I dressed up too much but it's way better than being underdressed.

I have no idea where the Emerald Palace was but it must be near Athanasia's first rose garden.

Seeing the path ahead split into two I decided to take the left path.

Not so far from the turn I saw a really bland, plain palace.

Is it abandoned? Does anyone even live there?

I kept staring at it while silently judging it.

Does Athy live there? I stifled my laugh.

I held my laugh back down when I saw a maid come out of the plain palace.

So the Palace isn't abandoned?

I then see that the maid is holding a tray with some mini square cakes.

My mouth watered.

There wasn't anything as luxurious or sweet as those mini cakes at the Ruby Palace.

The cooks and maids would say the budget is low and that we can't afford to buy any ingredients to make such luxurious cakes.

Liars, they steal trinkets or gold and many items from the Ruby Palace and they think I am no harm to them.

I scoffed.

My attention quickly went back to the maid who was carrying the tray of cakes.

She was almost out of my sight and she may lead me to Father and Athy.

I fastened my paste as the Maid disappeared into tall hedges.

Going around the hedge I saw the maid placing the tray down on a circular table and I saw father and sister having their tea.

They were having a great time in my eyes.

I felt jealousy and anger waver throughout my body and I clenched my left fist as my right held my parasol.

Breathing out my anger and jealousy, I headed towards the duo.

"Good afternoon Father!" I smiled at him but he didn't even spare me a glance.

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