Ranboo pulled it off and read it carefully, Tubbos terrible handwriting never ceased to amaze him.

I took Micheal out on a fun adventure to get flowers :)
Be back soon!
Need to talk with you.

Ranboo smiled at the thought of Tubbo and their son having fun. He held the note in his hands, almost certain that he would forget about it and panic before his husband returned.

Ranboo had nothing better to do than just walk around the house, cleaning or just rearranging things at random as he walked around repeatedly until his husband finally returned home.

Ranboos ears twitched and his tail swished from side to side, the end dragging on the floor as his attention was alerted to a clicking of the door. Looking at the note still in his hand he scanned over it once more. 'Yeah it's probably them' he smiled.

He started walking down the stairs, he heard the happy laughter and oinks of the two at the door. 'They must have had a lot of fun' he thought, kind of sad that he had missed out.

He reached the bottom of the stairs as Tubbo hung up his fluffy coat and turned to face him, a huge grin on his face, "HEY BOSS MAN!" He almost screamed, Ranboo was no longer fazed by the smallers loud and upbeat energy after living with him for months now.

Ranboo smiled, "hey Tubbo" he greeted.

Tubbo crouched and whispered something into the happy piglins ear, earning a happy grunt from the child. Tubbo smiled as he stood back up, watching as he ran over to the enderman.

Ranboo just watched in awe as the piglin ran up to him holding an allium flower, he stretched his arm up as far as he could passing Ranboo the purple flower with happy oinks.

Ranboos heart cried for the boy, it was so damn cute. He was so proud of his son.

Ranboo smiled back at his son as he crouched infront of him, gladly taking the flower from him, "thank you, Micheal." He thanked, making the young boy only smile wider.

He ran back over to the ram hybrid, he gave Tubbo the rest of the flowers they had collected and he walked away to put them in a vase of water.

The young piglin then waved a goodbye making happy sounding piglin grunts before running up the stairs to go to his room, Ranboo waved back.

He stood up and walked over to Tubbo who had proudly placed the vase on the counter, "did you guys have fun?" Ranboo asked.

Tubbo nodded, "mhm! We saw beeeesss" he shined, "Im pretty sure Micheal had a lot of fun, I wish I could understand him though..." he confessed.

They sat in comfortable silence for a second before Tubbo left the room, probably to get changed, his trousers were quite muddy, "be right back." He announced before running up the stairs. 'God he always has so much energy' Ranboo chuckled.

It wasn't even a few minutes later that Tubbo came running back down the stairs, "Ranboo!!" He yelled, his tone panicked the ender, 'what's going on' he was about to ask but before he could even react Tubbo continued, "what is this???" He asked concerned, holding up the object in his hand.

The almost empty healing potion.

"Ah..." Ranboo was at a loss for words. He was going to tell the truth but the words seemed to get trapped in his throat. Whey was he freezing up?

"Don't even try lying to me, I know this is a healing potion." He spoke softly, placing it on the counter next to them, "just tell me what happened. Please?" He asked.

Even Ranboo didn't know what had happened, he just remembered waking up in the middle of basically nowhere.
The taller looked anywhere but the Ram, he didn't want to disappoint him but he didn't want to tell him that his enderwalks had become more frequent.

"Is it about where you disappeared to two days ago?" He asked. 'Hm maybe... WAIT HOW MANY DAYS??' "2 days??" The words had escaped his mouth without any consent from Ranboos brain.

Tubbo tilted his head in confusion, "yeah... Ranboo you left 2 nights ago? I didn't know where you were..."

"Ah... yeah um... about that..." he started to fiddle with his hands.

Tubbo was quite oblivious to a lot of things, but he could read his husband like an open book. He had seen this type of behaviour before, it didn't take a genius to guess what had happened.

"Did you enderwalk?" He asked calmly, Ranboo froze slightly. "Yeah..." he confessed. The smaller hummed and nodded his head, "I see. So have you been enderwalking for 2 days then??" He asked concerned.

Ranboo shrugged, "I guess so..."

Him and the Ram sat in a comforting silence for a moment until Tubbo suddenly jumped at a realisation, causing Ranboo to flinch slightly out of surprise. "Wait Ranboo! When was the last time you took your binder off???!!" He asked.

Ranboo looked up at the smaller, not into his eyes but just... around, as close as he could get. Not that he could see his eyes anyway seeing as his hair covered them. "Hmm... uhhhh well you see...." Ranboo laughed, "well it's a funny story that... umm..." Ranboo muttered something incoherent, the ram didn't hear a single word of it.

"What was that?"

"A while..."

"How many hours, Ranboo?" His voice more stern.

"Hmm maybe like... uhhh.... Pfff ya know..."


"Okay okay maybe like... ya know... 3 days?? No biggie." He shrugged nervously.

The smaller now irritated male punched the tallers arm, "ow..." Ranboo whined.

"Ranboo you know that's not healthy! Go take it off now you dumbass" Tubbo said crossing his arms pouting. Tubbo never looked mad even when he was angry, but Ranboo still reluctantly obliged.

An exaggerated groan erupted from the taller as he plodded out the room, Tubbo standing there gleaming proudly.

A few minutes later an anxious ranboo returned wearing a hoodie 3 sizes too big for him and no binder, along with a small piglin close behind.

"Movie night?" Tubbo asked them.

"Movie night." Ranboo nodded, the small piglin happily oiking in agreement.

I'm sorry but it's just so cute-

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