Chapter 12: Realization

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A splitting headache was not something to be happy about when first waking up. The unwelcoming sensation made all four participants sit up and groan in pain.

Dream watched from the side, the amusement of watching all four come to realization was quite interesting. Bad was the first to let out a high pitched screech which resulted in all three to slightly flinch in place.

"What the fuck!" Good held his hands up to cover his ears. "Could you lower the volume. My head feels like shit."

Bad scoffed as if he was offended. A "Language," muttered out in the angel's direction.

Once Skeppy's vision cleared, he took the time to look around the room, eyes landing on a certain green hooded man.

"Could you not have hit us less hard?" Skeppy gripped the side of his head as he attempted to stand up from the ground.

Dream chuckled lightly, a playful glint in his eyes. "You know I love showing off my strength. Besides," he walked over to the diamond man, helping stabilize his stance. "I've always wanted to get you back for all those trolls."

Skeppy's eyes narrowed slightly. "Very much noteeeee-" he didn't get to finish his sentence as he suddenly found himself being lifted off the ground by a pair of arms.

"Geppy!" The culprit made themselves known as he spun his friend around in pure joy. "We're finally back to normal!"

Skeppy couldn't help but laugh at the demon's antics. Bad's enthusiasm had always been contagious, that being the very thing that made Skeppy head over heels for him. Who couldn't resist such a bright, loving smile and carefree spirit?

As if Good could hear the blue man's thoughts, he made a face that spoke disgusting. "If you two are done pinning for each other, I'd like to understand what is going to happen now that the situation has been fixed."

Skeppy scrunched his nose. "You are one to talk." Pointing an accusing finger to Good's left side, Jef could be seen clinging to the angels arms lovingly. Good made no sign of fixing that nor did his face express any sign of annoyance. This only made Skeppy's smirk widen.

A cough from Dream interrupted the two's staring contest.

"I believe now that this-" Dream stopped, waving his hand in front of him at all four, "predicament is settled, it would be wise to go over what will happen next."

"Fucking finally," Good sneered. "I rather not stay cooped up in this big ass mansion any longer than I already have."

Skeppy tossed a menacing look over his shoulder at him. "This 'big ass mansion' was built by us, thank you very much. I find it quite nice." Mentioning Bad and his work on the house, Skeppy found himself move more into Bad's embrace.

A nuzzle from Bad was Skeppy's reward, aaannnnddd maybe a tiny look for the cuss.

"Perhaps I can ask George to help build an establishment for the two of you?" Dream directed his attention to Good and Jef, looking for an answer to his question.

Jef bounced on his feet at the mention of them possibly getting their own house to live in.

"Good!" He beamed up at the angel's face which now held a soft expression. "Can we pleeeaasseee get our own cottage to live in?"

Good sighed and rolled his eyes. Grabbing Jef's hands in his, he nodded his head in confirmation. "Of course you pumpkin."

"Then it's settled!" Dream clapped his hands together and smiled brightly. "I'll make sure it's done by the end of this week!"


By the end of the week, Dream had made sure that Good and Jef's house was completed to their liking. The two had immediately moved in once construction was finished.

Skeppy could see the new house from the cliff Bad and him were currently resting on. The demon had insisted on a picnic, saying it would be a great spot for a reunion. Now the two were watching the sun slowly dip down behind the many buildings of the dream smp.

"You know..."Skeppy glanced over to Bad who directed his attention towards him. A nervous feeling rose up in the diamond's stomach once his eyes locked on to his friend. This feeling again, he thought. Am I really doing this now?

Skeppy hesitantly reached his hand up to cup the side of Bad's face. A red hue spread across his face, matching the same expression Bad had on.

"I-I couldn't imagine my life without you."

A stutter sounded out of Bad's mouth. His eyes widened ever so slightly.

"My heart races everytime I get butterflies in my stomach-"

wait...this sounded oddly familiar.

"-whenever you're around."

"SKEPPY!!" Bad threw his hands out, shoving the poor boy in front of him back. Skeppy reacted quickly, grabbing on to Bad's arms and dragging him back with him. This resulted in Bad landing on top of him with a shriek.

(♡Nothing sensitive or sexual. If you just don't like mushy stuff then this is where it starts.♡)

They lay there, staring up into each other's eyes for what seemed like the 50th time that day. No words were spoken. They need not, for the two minds clicked in unison, realizing their true feelings for one another.

With only an inch apart between them, Skeppy found the courage to seal that space once and for all. Bad showed no sign of protest as he let the diamond man do so.

Nothing could ruin this moment for the both of them. The past events had caused so much stress, pain, and hurt, that nothing in this moment seemed to matter. It was just Skeppy and Bad in this world.

Sadly they still needed to breathe, so Skeppy parted from the kiss first, noticing the instant pout on Bad's face.

"Does this mean what I think it does?"

Bad let out a content sigh. " If you want to that is."

They both already knew the answer to this. Skeppy being Skeppy though, smirked and asked anyways.

"You think you're bald to?" He watched Bad's smile drop, a furious gaze taking it's place.


Note: I'm back! Sorry for such the long wait. >∆< I had no idea where to even go with what I left it at.

This is it though! I might add more but as of right now this is where it sort of ends? If you have more ideas I'd love to hear them! ♡

Thank you for staying with me through this entire story! As always this is just a fan made story and some of these things about the people aren't true. ( I realized I may have made Skeppy seem a bit rude at the beginning but it was just to sort of build up the whole thing to get where it is now. ) So please give Skeppy and Badboyhalo some love for what they both do for all of us!❤️

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