brazil fight/plane argument

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normal p.o.v

April-They're not monsters, okay? The only real monster in this city is Shredder and the two mutants that he's created

Casey-Bebop and Rocksteady

Chief Vincent-If you think anything coming out of your mouth is gonna add to her credibility, you are sorely mistaken

April-Shredder mutated them with the help of Baxter Stockman That's actually who you need to go see

Chief Vincent-Funny you should mention Dr. Stockman because we just finished analyzing some security footage from TCRI that he gave us


Chief Vincent-Guess who's on it

*they saw the fake footage*

April-That's not what happened That footage has been altered. It's been edited

Chief Vincent-We checked its authenticity It's clean

April-I want a phone call

Chief Vincent-I hate to break it to you, but all the phones have been shut down on account of a black wolf and monsters breaking into our stationhouse

April-Well, I hate to break it to you, but legally I'm entitled to a phone call

Chief Vincent-Tell me where they are

April-I don't know But if I did, I wouldn't tell you

Casey-Chief, the turtles aren't the ones you should be chasing

*in brazil bebop and rocksteady found the piece*

Bebop-Ha-ha! We found it! Lookie here, I like it

Rocksteady-Boss, boss, we did it! We did it! We got that super-important-thingy- kind-of-hard-thing-to-find thing.

Bebop-Move, move. Move your head over. He's got to see me. Hey, boss!

Baxter-They have the final piece and are heading back Countdown to the big show is officially on And we are ready for action! All systems are, uh... Standing by. Can you taste it, Sensei Shredder? The magnificence of what we're about to do? Yummy, isn't it?

*with the turtles wolf kay and the night protectors on the plane pinkie was in her dragon walker dragon form with her sleeping body at the lair*

Mikey-Aren't there supposed to be, like, pretty stewardesses handing out warm hand towels and stuff?

Raph-Not down here, Mikey Not for us

Donnie-Oh, boy. Bebop and Rocksteady are en route back to New York


Donnie-They must have already retrieved the last piece they needed to open the portal.

dragon pinkie-Looks like our plane's about to cross over theirs, right?

Donnie-Yeah, with a 3,000-foot separation. Uh, I could plot a course for intercept, but we'd have to jump.


*the hatch of the plane was opened*

Raph-Oh, boy! Guys, I don't know if this is such a good plan.

Mikey-Oh, Come on, don't go getting soft on me now, Raph This is gonna be fun

Donnie-We got to go now. We only have a 30-second window You know the plan

*Donnie jumps out*

Mikey-Uh... Dudes?

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