breaking into police headquarters

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no one's p.o.v

*at the museum*

Donnie-Wow. The American Museum of Natural History I've always wanted to come here.

Leo-Quit screwing around, Donnie. Thirty seconds till the cops are at the door

*Donnie jumps down flashing his scanner*

Leo-Donnie... Whoa.

Donnie-Boo-yah Shredder and the mutants were definitely here And I'm detecting traces of neutronium, the critical ingredient required for creating a controlled black hole Which is the only thing capable of rupturing the space-time continuum And you know what that means!

Leo-No. I don't, Donnie.

Donnie-It means Shredder may not be as nuts as I thought From the data I just collected, I'm surmising that what was inside this thing may help Shredder open that portal to another dimension.

Leo-Okay, what I want to know is, if a portal's gonna open up,

Pinkie-what's coming through from the other side?

*at the lair Casey and April sat at the table with raph and Mikey*

April-So you want to break into police headquarters.

raph-Uh... Yeah Donnie said he needs more of the purple ooze to track Bebop and Rocksteady And you said the cops would've logged it into Evidence Control Room by now.

April-Okay, and Leo and kay is good with this plan?

Raph-Actually, I'm in charge on this one. Ain't that right, Mikey?

Mikey-You're right

*raph set's down the blueprints for NYPD HQ*

raph-Look So, we can take the elevator shafts and vents We need you two to stay on the ground.

Casey-Whoa. I...I can't just walk right into police headquarters.

Raph-What are you, chicken?

Casey-Hey! Who are you calling chicken, turtle?

Raph-Look, do you want to find Bebop and Rocksteady or not?

Casey-So we're breaking into police headquarters.

Raph-We got one last boondoggle We need to find someone to sneak you guys past security checkpoint Only plan I got so far may be a tad less than appetizing.

*April looks at Mikey covered in pizza sauce*

Mikey-Are we going somewhere?

*with Vern*

Vern-I'm gonna take a photo with all of you, don't worry, everybody's gonna get one tonight.

Carmelo Anthony-Hey, Vern.


Carmelo Anthony-Big fan. Big fan.

Vern-My gosh, Carmelo Anthony, right back at ya!

Carmelo Anthony-Nice key to the city.

Vern-Oh, thank you. Yeah, I mean, they give these things out, Hey, Melo... Do you mind if I call you Melo?

Carmelo Anthony-Not at all

Vern-Listen, I'm really glad that you stopped me, because, guys like you and me, we're kind of the same.

Carmelo Anthony-Right.

Vern-We bring a lot of joy and hope into people's lives We got that kind of star power. And while it's a gift, this bond that we have...

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