08. Explanation

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The following will include SANEMI LANGUAGE,
And author-nim being lazy haha

"Will you two please explain your situation?"
Tanjiro listened to the butterfly and nodded, ready to tell his story.


"She's--- she's my siste-"
I began coughing, it hurt to move my jaw. The sweet butterfly quickly came to my aid, helping me drink the water.
"Your jaw seems to be broken, so please drink slowly."


I yelled, slightly startling the butterfly, I quickly apologized for my loud voice.
"Now, young Tanjiro-kun, please explain why there's a demon in tow with you."


Though I was zoned out half of the time, I was able to hear the burgundy-haired boy's reasoning.
I almost laughed at how desperate he sounded, pleading helplessly.
"There's now way a demon can fight along side with us!"
A very loud voice shouted.

I turned my head slightly, my (h/c) bangs shadowing over my face.
A muscular male with fluffy white hair, and one too many scars, was holding what looked like a wooden crate. I narrowed my eyes at the crate, glaring at the man because I already have a bad feeling about him.
"NEZUKO!"  the burgundy male yelled, obviously in distress. I continued my glare, but I guess the white-haired male noticed. He stopped smiling and was now turned towards me.

"You fucktard, THE HELL YOU LOOKING AT?!"
I turn my head away, just wanting him to leave me alone. He was too loud for my tastes..
"Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you, you disgusting rat."
I rolled my eyes, I don't feel like speaking. A foot was suddenly kicking my head.

3rd POV

(Y/N) was now on his side, letting the male with scars knock him sideways.
The wind pillar placed his foot on
(Y/N)'s head, pulling his sword from its sheathe.
"You damn rotten demons need to learn respect"

'I only respect Lord Muzan.'
(Y/N) retorted in his head but didn't say anything.
"STOP! Lord Ubuyashiki will arrive soon!!"
A voice yelled, Tanjiro recognized it as Giyuu, the water pillar.

The water pillar yelled, trying to gain everyone's attention. "Stop this, the master will arrive at any time!"
Sanemi continued his yelling, screeching that he'd slice (Y/N)'s head clean off if he did anything so much as meet eyes with the demon slayers.

"Master Ubuyashiki..."

"Master Ubuyashiki..."

"Has arrived.."

"Has arrived.."

Tanjiro glanced up to see a man with straight, black, shoulder length hair. A very noticeable scar across his eyes and up his forehead. Tanjiro winced at a new force as he was then forced to the ground and into a bowing position by the same male that was trying to kill Nezuko and the demon kid.
"Master, I wish you great health in the furure. Thank you for being upon us this fine night."
Sanemi's voice was calmer than before which startled Tanjiro.
'His demeanor changed to quickly'
Tanjiro was surprised to say the least. A very kind, loving voice came from the man standing on the stage.
"Thank you, Sanemi."
Tanjiro practically melted at his soothing voice. Only to get unnerved by a sudden disturbing scent coming from his right.

Tanjiro glanced at his side and stares at the demon boy beside him, who was already on the ground and wasn't being held down. His orange eyes were dark and the smell of salt came off of him; the scent of hatred.

"We will now discuss the matter at hand." A relaxed voice said, making the burgundy haired boy avert his eyes and place them on the master.
"Both Kamado Tanjiro and Kamado Nezuko have been pardoned by former water hashira; Urokodaki Sakonji. Him and his sister will be accepted as demon slayers." Ubuyashiki spoke, though was replied to quickly.
"I'm sorry master but I can't accept two demons into the corp."
Sanemi said in a cold voice, keeping the tone as respectful as he possibly could.
Ubuyashiki asked, seeming slightly surprised hearing there were two demons present.
"Yes, two demons are present. One of which is Kamado Nezuko, and the other is unknown."
A girl with a monotone voice with white hair said. She seemed similar to the master, must've been his offspring.
"Would you mind describing me this unknown demon's features?"
The master asked, the same kind smile on his lips.
"Of course. He is male with (h/c) hair with orange streaks. Orange eyes and a human like (s/c) [skin color] skin. He is wearing a orange and white haori with circles on it."
"Thank you, now, would you mind giving me your name?"
Ubuyashiki asked, seeming slightly on edge with an unknown demon in the headquarters.
(Y/N) thought about keeping quiet but remembered his mission; get them to trust you and find out information about the corp. Deciding it was best...

"(Y/N), would you mind explaining your circumstances?"
The smile planted on Ubuyashiki's lips was starting to annoy (Y/N), he wanted to see him frown, cry, beg...

"Ah, yes. I can explain."
(Y/N) spoke in a manor that startled Tanjiro. He seemed...kind?
"I have been living on the streets since I was 10 after coming home to find my parents deceased..I wandered the streets, looking for food and shelter. I eventually ran into..the demon king, when I was just 16. He was scary...I...I tried to run..but.."
The hashira, Tanjiro and Ubuyashiki were listening in, pillars staring at the demon beside them.
"I didn't make it...I woke up hungry and mad...I was mad at Him. He hurt me, so I wanted to get revenge..kill him with my own hands. I eventually found out about the demon slayer corp and attended final selection where I became an official member."
(Y/N) finished. Staring down at the white rocks scattered all around. The corp master hummed, in understanding, seemingly.
"That seems to have been quite an experience. Alright, you may stay, but only if you obey our rules." (Y/N)'s face brightened, seemingly in happiness because of the decision made by the master. But really he was laughing on the inside about how gullible the corp was.
"But master! We can't trust these demons!" The wind pillar stated, putting emphasis on demons.
"Sanemi-san, my decision is final."
Ubuyashiki stated calmly, but there was a hint of power behind his words.
Sanemi tched and pulled his sword out, stabbing the box that held Nezuko. "NO" Tanjiro yelled, only to be elbowed in the back by the snake-like pillar. "Then allow me to change your mind! Master, I'll show you that these demons are still all the same!" Sanemi slit his arm, blood pouring out of the now opened cut, seems he cut a vein. Kicking the box towards (Y/N), he stood in front of him, waving his bloodied arm in (Y/N)'s face. "C'mon, demon. Show us what you really are!" (Y/N) was quite good at controlling his hunger, the smell of blood didn't get to him as easily as other demons. Nezuko kicked open the box door and grew into her normal size. Staring at the bleeding arm with a dazed look, drool seeping out of her mouth as she was hadn't had any food. (Y/N) had noticed it before, this man had marichi blood. So Nezuko seemed to be having a hard time withstanding the scent.
(Y/N) turned his head away, putting on a disgusted face to act as if blood grossed him out. Going off of what he had said to the butterfly girl at Natagumo Mountain. Nezuko whipped her head away soon after and Sanemi seemed surprised, to say the least.
"What happened?"
Master Ubuyashiki questioned.
"Both demons turned their heads away in disgust, (Y/N) was quick in his action though."
Ubuyashiki hummed in acknowledgement.
"This settles it then, the three with be here working as demon slayers."
"Meeting dismissed." Tanjiro was being walked away with (Y/N) and Nezuko at his side.
"All hashira please report to the hashira meeting." Ubuyashiki said but was cut off.
"WAIT! PLEASE! LET ME HEADBUTT THAT MAN WITH THE SCARS AS MANY TIMES AS HE STABBED NEZUKO! IT'S NOT AGAINST CORP RULES!" Tanjiro burst around the corner with furrowed brows. Yelling as Sanemi as he just watched in silence. A sudden shock traveled from Tanjiro's head to his toes as a strong force his him. Three rocks were thrown by the mist pillar.
"Don't you ever interrupt master Ubuyashiki while he's speaking, you uncultured dumby."
Two kakushis bowed towards the hashiras as they took the stunned Tanjiro away. Just as they were about to turn the corner Tanjiro heard a kind tone.
"Tanjiro, give Lady Tamayo my best regards."


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