04. Demon Slayers

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while
I haven't been able to come up with a storyline to trail off on.

Enjoy this chapter!

3rd person POV

(Y/N) had been walking through a small town at the edge of a mountain. His orange eyes were calm and stoic but he was nervous. This mission will be one of the hardest yet. He was happy Lord Muzan picked him to carry this difficult task instead of a different moon.

Along the way, (Y/N) had found a deceased slayer. It's crow was sitting atop its head. To blend in, (Y/N) had taken the crow as his own to use for slaying missions.

(Y/N) walking through the town, calm and quietly. A sudden caw of the crow was heard and (Y/N) looked up. His doll-like features and pale skin shone in the moons lighting.

"Caw! Caw! Head to Natagumo Mountain! Fellow slayer's are in danger! CAW!"

(Y/N) couldn't care less about slayers in danger, but he had a feeling he should head towards this mountain the crow kept pestering about. He rolled his fiery eyes and followed the crow towards the mountain.


(Y/N) arived at his destination, jumping from tree to tree. He looked around, examining the mountain, noticing that the battle seemed to be over. (Y/N) shrugged it of, squatting down on a thick branch. His orange tinted eyes watched every movement of the leaves.

He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of several lower level slayers along with two higher up, most likely Hashira.

"Moshi moshi~"

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