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Eventually I walked into my room and booted up my pc. I quickly looked through discord trying to find a good vc to join. There was one with the dream team and badboyhalo but that was about it. I joined them and it appeared that none of them were streaming.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked as I went to log onto the server.

"Nothing, we're just talking about something we plan on doing in January..." Dream said.

"Oh what are y'all doing?" I asked as the world finally loaded in.

"Oh umm, nothing just some traveling things." He said and I smiled, clearly Wilbur hadn't told him that I already knew.

"Chill out dream, I already know, Wil told me." I laughed softly.

"Oh he did? That's- okay then. Yeah we're talking about the meet up, maybe thinking that me and sap would fly out a week early and hang out with George." He continued.

"Oh that's cool, sounds like fun." I said as I started running down the prime path.

"It sucks it's so far away, I'm so excited to finally see all of you." I said.

"Yeah, plus not a single one of us has seen your face as far as I know, besides Karl of course." Sapnap said.

"Nope, I mean corpse has but that's it." I said.

"Oh yeah, y'all did go visit him last year." Sapnap said.

"Wilbur hasn't seen you yet?" George asked.

"No, he hasn't yet." I said looking down.

"That's surprising." He said.

"What, why is that so surprising to you?" I said suddenly defensive.

"It's just, you seem really close is all." George said nonchalantly.

"Oh, I guess we are..." I trailed off as the sound of someone joining the call sounded.

It was Tubbo. "Tubbz, what's up?" I asked.

"Wilbur wanted me to come get you." He said and I laughed.

"Why didn't he come himself?" I asked laughing, my eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't know, come join us." He said.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"oh um we were doing you laugh you lose." He said.

"Okay I'll join, bye guys." I said and the boys said goodbye to me.

I was invited to a call with Tubbo and Wilbur. I joined and said hello to Wilbur.

"So what did you two need me for?" I asked.

"We just wanted you to come hang out with us." Wilbur said.

"Oh, okay then." I said and Wilbur explained what they were doing.

They had media share on and they had two lives left meaning they could laugh two more times before the stream ends.

The chat sent in videos and I managed to not laugh. Wilbur laughed at Cheeto and Tubbo laughed at a video of a reverbed fart.

After the stream ended we all stayed on call.

"Tubbo, I'm so disappointed in you, a fart sound got you? I raised you better than this." I laughed.

"I know I am sorry, please forgive me." He begged.

"Fine, but you're on thin ice kid." I said. Tubbo and Wilbur then decided to get on the smp.

Powerless ~~ wilbur soot x ocWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu