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So ever since I saw episode 19 in season 1 I have been doubting Jokers talent in singing cause he completely looks like a rockstar with his hair. So as the title says in this book he will be singing. So enjoy.

Narrator P O V
Joker was in his music room where no one knows about, not even Hachi. The room was surprisingly clean then expected. In the room he had a sad look while playing the guitar as if something was bothering him. He was singing a few songs here and there. After a few minutes he left the room.

After going outside he heard two familiar voices shouting and calling his name. When he turned around BANG!! Joker, Queen and Spade were on the floor.

Joker: What do you guys want this time can't you just call me and not sneak in my ship?!?!?!  And get off of me!!

Yelled an angry Joker. While both Queen and Spade laughing and helping stand up.

Queen: Relax we we're just here to ask if you want to came and join us tonight.
Joker: Tonight? 🤔🤔🤔. What do you mean by that?
Spade: Haven't you heard? The famous singer "Alpha Wolf" is going live tonight at a gymnasium ( Idk what to call it )  in America.

Joker: *anime fall and sweat dropped*
Is that really all you want to ask me? You know you guys could've just called me on the phone right?

S&Q: R-right sorry I guess we got excited hehehehe. Well are you coming or not?
Joker: Nope but I could just give you a ride there. Besides I was just planning to go to a museum at America near the gymnasium. So that I can plany next heist.

Queen: Treasure again? Aww *puppy eyes* come on Jack your always going on to a heist can't you just give it a rest. We just want to spend time with you.
Spade: Yeah Queens right can't you just come with us.

Joker being the stubborn idiot that he is shook his head as a sign of no, the 2 teens gave up and just watch Joker go to the controlling room of the ship.

A few hours later.

They arrived in a forest away from the city to hide the Sky Joker. They decided to take the road joker and enjoy the breeze. Queen and Spade are still sad and annoyed that Jack won't be coming with them and prioritized the treasure he was after.

King: You know its not going to be the same without you Jack. Plus its not always that all of us can hangout together.
Queen: Yeah its not to late for you to come with us.
Jack: Sorry but nothing can change my mind.

As they got to the gymnasium it was already night time, Jack left along with the Road Joker to go the "museum". Hachi decided to go with King and Queen cause he also wanted to go before but Joker wouldn't let him because nobody was gonna look after him.

( poor Hachi always getting underestimated )  Back to the story people.

After they took a seat the concert was just about to begin DJ Peacock ( MC ) was just near the stage announcing to the people at home watching and to the crowd.

Then suddenly the lights were off and there rose silhouette of a person on the stage. He was wearing A Wolf mask so that no one could see his face. To others it was an amazing rock star ready to fire up the crowd, but to our dear phantom thieves it look like a person they have seen before.

It was Jack that was behind the mask but not even King or Queen could recognize him. And by the way he is wearing this:

That the mask and below is his clothes

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That the mask and below is his clothes.

As the crowed roared and cheered Jack smiled at the scene

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

As the crowed roared and cheered Jack smiled at the scene. Then the music started.

This nightcore is from GamerZ.

  This nightcore is from VanillaAvenue
Now to finish things off the final song will be:

This nightcore is from: James Earl Inoc.

After the concert and everybody left Jack came back to from his trip to the "museum" to pick all of them up ( actually he just circled around the gym ). After they got in the car all of them asked how it went with Jack investigating/inspecting the museum for his heist.

Spade: How did it go with planning your next heist Joker?
Joker: It was good I guess. How about you guys? Was the concert fun?
Queen: Yeah but maybe it would've been more fun if you were there.

Joker: Did someone miss me?😏😏
Queen: W-what? Of course not idiot. Stupid Joker why would you think that!!! 😖😖

As Queen kept on hitting Joker beside her Spade and the rest were just laughing at them.

Joker: To make up for not joining/spending time with you guys at the concert I got us these. * Shows carnival tickets *.
Everyone: * gasp * How did you get these!?!??!
Joker: I have my ways.

The end of the chapter cause I am lazy again lol if you want just comment down if you want a carnival chapter or whatever. To everyone who is reading this I am still pretty much alive so I decided to update the story. Bye now  

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