Alone part.1

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Joker P.O.V.
I was alone in the Sky Joker. Hachi was with his family at a reunion or something. After dropping Hachi I somewhat felt a sensation I don't usually understand.... loneliness  

Joker: * sigh * Its already that time of year huh?

I went to the coordinating room of the ship to switch auto pilot on to go on a certain place. I was feeling a bit dizzy and was having a headache 'must be because I always stay up so late playing games' I thought as I walked through the halls to my room.

I laid on my bed thinking about what to do or who to call since I was bored. Master was on a heist along with Roko and Queen, Spade, D and their assistants were on vacation somewhere on the other side of the world, and I can't just call Hachi.

As I started to cough my headache only became worst. I felt as if I was going to vomit at some point so I quickly went to the bathroom. After I flushed the toilet I went to my back to my room.

Spade P.O.V.
As I was having fun playing volleyball with Ai and her sisters on the beach and as I got tired Spider Ace took my place. I then went underneath the big umbrella where D is and grabbed a drink.

D: Having fun?
Spade: Ofc. After all I did needed the rest especially since I nearly got caught in my last heist.

D: I see. If Joker was in your place do you think he'd get caught?
Spade: Jack hhmm? I guess not out of all the three of us he is the best. So he won't.

D: So you admit that he is better than you? 😞😞😞
Spade: WHAT?!?!? Huh maybe I guess but I still think I am better.😐😐😐

Spade: do you mind if I call invite others?
D: do as you please. Its not like I can stop you anyway.

I then grabbed my phone and called Queen since I just heard that she was in the city just nearby the beach. She then said " she and master would be here sooner or later " I then tried to call Joker.

Joker P.O.V.
As I was on my way back to my room my phone rang and as I saw the name tag I picked it up.

Spade: Hey Joker
Joker: Spade? Why are you calling for?

Spade: Is it really wrong for me to call my friend to say hello?
Joker: Spade if you don't have * cough 5x *

Spade: Are you okay you sound sick.
Joker: I am fi- *cough* fine.
Spade: So I was thinking if you want to come  join us here? You know just relaxing and stuff.
Joker: I am sorry but I have somewhere else to go.

Spade: Okay then. But I gotta admit its rare to hear you say sorry you know.
Joker: Shut up.

With that the call ended and the ship was already at my destination as I then chewed balloon gum cause if I  climbed down the ladder with this sick body of mine I will fall.

As I made my way through the the forest I then found a gate with the sign "Jones Graveyard" I sighed, with a heavy heart I went in the.

I came by a grave stone saying "In memory of James and Lily Jones" ( I only made their names up ).

Joker: Hello mom, dad. Sorry I couldn't visit you sooner I've been busy with a few important things lately. Well not as important as you guys.

As I looked up to the sky I covered my face with my hat and cried. I couldn't help but think about the times I spent with them. My headache became worse. Without warning I fall to the ground numb I couldn't move. My body's becoming colder as if a I was an ice cube. I then fell asleep.

Hello dear readers, right now as you can see I am making a part 2 but it may take a while cause I still have online class. Anyway this chapter contained 702 words. Till the next chapter. Bye.

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