A sweet moment...

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Please remember, obsessions and yandere-like behavior is not, and I repeat, NOT a good thing. We're not living in some sort of anime world. Please do not encourage this behavior in real life. This book was created for the sake of entertainment, nothing more.


"Karma-kun, Karma-kun!" Tobio poked the redhead awake, who had fallen asleep in class due to the boring lecture they were given.

"Ah, Tobi." Karma's lips immediately curled into a smile. After all, what's better than seeing your lover when you first wake up.

"Anyways, I was thinking, since we don't really have any work or anything to do today, or at least I hope you don't, can I go to your house?" Tobio suggested, hoping that his friend, or hopefully boyfriend soon, would agree.

Besides, he didn't want to spend a boring afternoon without Karma. Just the thought of it was suffocating. He depended on Karma.

He needed Karma.

He needed Karma there, around him.

He needed the boy to be there, and to never leave him.

He couldn't let anyone else, not even his family, come and taint him, take him away.

He needed Karma to be his.

He shook off those thoughts, just focusing on admiring the half awake redhead. Thankfully, Karma nodded.

To be honest, Karma wasn't half awake. Tobio's presence and smile had brought Karma back to reality. It took every bit of his self control to not immediately run his hands through the raven's hair, kissing those perfect, glossy lips.

Or perhaps on all of Tobi. Karma wondered what Tobi would taste like. How beautiful would Tobi be if he was marked all over?

Moreover, he was excited. His mother wouldn't be home for another month of so, so it would just be the two of them, alone.

They walked home together, thankfully Karma's house wasn't too, too far from the school. About 20 minutes later they arrived at the two story house. It looked quite big, and definitely wasn't somewhere a normal high schooler could live in on his own.

They entered and took their shoes off. Karma set down his backpack and headed into the kitchen.

"Want some snacks? I got these the other day, they're really tasty." He held up a box of cookies, and Tobi nodded furiously.

However, instead of handing some to Tobi, Karma took one and placed it in the raven's mouth, which surprised the latter.

Karma smirked, smiling at the cute sight of the flustered guest in his house. Tobio blushed, then leaned closer. "Another, please."

Karma's heart practically skipped a beat. He couldn't control himself. Before he knew it, he'd given a kiss to Tobio, right on the lips. It was quick, but it felt...so good.

He smiled as he placed another kiss on Tobio's lips once again. 'Adorable.' "Hehe, just as I expected. Just as I wanted. I really do love you, don't I?"

He didn't care whether Tobio rejected him or not, he'd have the raven as his anyways.

But of course, Tobio wouldn't do that, no. His eyes glimmered joyfully, and he immediately wrapped his arms around Karma. The latter did so as well, petting the raven's hair as they stood in the position for a while.

"Mhm, so are we..." Tobio's voice trailed off, looking up at Karma.

"Of course." The redhead smirked, a kind of glint present in his eyes.

" The redhead smirked, a kind of glint present in his eyes

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Don't worry, they know you're watching.

And for the sake of your safety and mine, we should probably-


Credits to @5heul on Picrew, because there's no Karma x Tobio pictures online-

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