A little test...

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"Akabane-kun!" Tobio called over, a smile tugging on his lips as he greeted his friend

"Kage-san!" Karma let his playful smile show, waving back. 

It's been just a few weeks, two to be exact, but they've already become quick friends. They'd talk during break, in the middle of class, and sometimes sit with each other during lunch. Today, they had their first period together, as usual. 

"Did you know that the test for Chapter one is this week? I didn't. Some other student told me." Karma asked, flipping through his notebook and showed Tobio what they were going to be tested on. 

Tobio groaned, though he tried to keep normal, his facial expressions said everything. Karma smirked at this, and tilted his head with an evil smile. "What, the pampered little rich boy can't handle a bit of testing? Scared to fail? Poor you." 

"Oh, I can handle it, doesn't mean I'll do well, but it's better than being an asshole like a certain someone." Tobio narrowed his eyes, annoyed, looking like he wanted to murder someone. 

Karma's grin only widened a bit, before he calmed himself down. He enjoyed, no, liked seeing Tobio annoyed. It made him happy. It wasn't just simply angry, but that little expression and the way he had such interesting reactions. 

Karma liked that. "Apologies then, your majesty. Perhaps watch your profanity? But that's not my issue. You know, you seem to struggle a bit in class." 

Tobio snarled. "Hmph, maybe." 

Karma's eyes widened. Adorable. No, no, he shouldn't, he can't. But that was adorable. It was. Who knew? 

A girl passed by, seemingly had been listening to their conversation. "Don't worry, Kageyama Kambe - san, it's just chapter one, the review from last year, I'm sure you'll do fine."

She had a cheeky smile on her face, like she was trying to win some approval. Tobio nodded and turned her away, hiding his glare. 

The test was fairly easy, Tobio barely got a 90, but Karma easily scored 100. However, as the lessons progressively got harder, in just a week, Tobio's scores dropped. The raven pouted, looking over to Karma. 

He hid his face as he stared. The redhead looked so lax in class, seemingly understanding everything, not having any trouble at all. He envied that. He wanted that. Could he ask for help?  Should he?

"Should I ask Karma for help?" Tobio didn't realize he said that out loud. 

A boy next to him immediately shook his head and whispered, "Don't. He's harsh, and he's strict when he tutors. Like, the scary kind." 


"Sorry, I know you're his friend but...it's true he does help you, but not in a good way..."

Little did they know, Karma heard the whole exchange. 

He later followed the boy to the library, unknown to the raven, and found Tobio sitting down in an empty table, lazily opening the pages of his textbook, and tapping his pencil in confusion on his notebook. 

Tobio lied down on the desk for a moment, then got up. He hated math. He hated it more than anything else in the world. He's willing to go to the deepest circle of hell if there was the man who invented math in heaven. He was probably going to hell already though. 

He sat up straight though, when he felt the warmth of someone leaning beside him, in the crook of his neck. 

"Need help?" The familiar, sadistic voice asked. 

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