A meeting...

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Mr. Ono took a look at his phone, seeing a message from one of his students. He read the name. 

'Tobio Kageyama.'

He shivered, hearing the threat from that Akabane kid clear in his mind. 

"Let this be your little warning, hm? Insult Tobi one more time, and I'll be sure your days as a perfectly intact, disgusting human are over." 

It was obvious in that moment, the redhead wasn't sane in the slightest when it came to that boy. Those piercing mercury eyes....even a quick glare from them was enough to send a teacher on his knees. Mr. Ono definitely didn't want to see it again. 

But as a teacher, he couldn't ignore his duties. So he reluctantly clicked on the message. 

⩥ Hello Mr. Ono!

I'm struggling on a few math problems in our current lessons. Can I meet up with you after school for a quick mini lessons?

Tobio K. 

Mr. Ono sighed a bit in relief. If he can keep his cool and teach normally in this lesson, he should be fine. After all, he's done plenty of office hours. It wouldn't be hard. 

He replied quickly with a yes, but felt a shiver down his spine. Like something bad was going to happen. 

"Nah, it must be what Akabane said again. I shouldn't let it get to me. " He went up to fix himself a cup of coffee. 

It tasted extremely bitter that night. 


Mr. Ono watched as Karma waved Tobio bye from the window of his classroom. The boys looked quite happy together, joking around. 

He supposed if someone valued a friend, would they have done what Karma did? 

His thoughts were interrupted by the raven walking into the classroom with a bright smile. He seemed excited and nervous at the same time. The boy's hands looked to be shaking, but his eyes were a confident, radiant midnight blue.  Good to know that at least one of them is sane. 

Tobio set down his books and flipped open an empty page on his notebook, and Mr. Ono began. 

"Which part were you the most confused on?" He asked, and Tobio opened his math textbook and showed him the part. 

Trigonometry, understandable. Mr. Ono began his mini lesson, and explained things the best he could, and took a look at Tobio's notes. However, when he walked behind the boy and looked at it from Tobio's view, he stood in shock for a brief moment. 

From the front, upside down, it looked like nothing. 

But when looked at right, it looked like some sort of knife. Tobio smiled and stood up, grabbing the teacher and kicking him against the whiteboard. 

Under the sleeve of his blazer, he pulled out the small knife his brother had lent to him, and pointed it right under the teacher's chin. 

Mr. Ono finally regained the ability to speak, but his eyes still wide in terror, and his body stiff and still. "W-what...why..."

"To be honest, Karma teaches much better than you do. He's nice to me and he knows how it all works. He can help me study just fine." Tobio twirled the knife in delight. 

"But I came here to-"

"I asked you to give me a mini lesson, yep! But, I have some advice for you. Or had, at least. Watch your tongue around Karma-kun, but I'm more than happy to cut it off for you if you can't! But it's too late." 

Tobio kicked the teacher in the gut once again, an evil smile playing on his lips. He'd locked the classroom door, and with the knife, he stabbed the teacher's mouth, puncturing it in all sorts of way for his fun. The teacher tried to scream or find a way to resist, but to no avail. 

"You don't think I'd get away with this, do you. Well, being rich has its benefits. The cover up of torture is just as easy as your stupid homework." 

Mr. Ono now knew what the excitement and nervousness was. Tobio just couldn't wait until he could finally mess with the person who dared to yell and insult his precious little redhead. 

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