Trust No One Fear No One

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"Sherrie? Sherrie?" Jason calls out

She's day dreaming. She's confused, traumatized, and distraught. She don't know what to expect.


"Yes?" Sherrie answers

"We're going to switch cars. It's a long drive to San Antonio. I want you girls to be comfortable." Jason says

"Uh huh!" Sherrie responds.

Donna is laying on Jason lap holding her half dressed build a bear. Sherrie unsure what to do. Damon said don't trust anybody! Not even them. San Antonio was apart of the plan. But he said we need a new one. She's confused.

"When are we switching cars?"

"In a second Sherrie." Jason answers

Unsure of her next move. She just waits. The van finally stops. Jason slides the van door open. Helps them get out the car.

"Hungry?" Jason asks Donna

"Yes Unkie Jason." Donna replies

"Is it safe? Shouldn't we keep moving?" Sherrie says

"You're safer when Damon is not around. They don't want y'all. They want him. That's why I'm taking you guys to a safe place. To keep him far away from you and Donna."

"Damon is coming back." Sherrie says with an attitude

"I'm sorry Sherrie. He's not."

Sherrie loses her breathe. She feels her legs getting weak. Her stomach is upset. She faints.....

"Mommie. Mommie!!" Donna calls out while rubbing her mom face.

Sherrie sees her daughter face. The roof of a car and bright lights. She hops up. Realizing she's in an unknown sedan. Looks as if their at an airport.

"Jason!" Sherrie yells

"Hey, you were sleeping. Didn't want to awaken you." Jason says with a smile.

"Did you talk to Damon?" Sherrie ask!

"Yes. He want us to fly to San Antonio. The roads are too risky. He have an apartment set up for u two.

"Who else is coming?" Sherrie ask

"Just us. I'm ditching the car at the airport. Once i bring u two to the apartment. I'm going on with my life. Hope you do the same. He's making sure you're safe. That was his last wish Sherrie." Jason explains

Sherrie is confused. Damon hates apartments. There too risky, too many people. Not enough escape routes. But maybe there's no need for me to escape again. Maybe this is the safe plan. Idk

"Let's go ladies." Jason calls out.

They walk into the airport. It's busy. Lines are long. Jason is checking in 3 big suitcases. Struggling, he sits his book sack on the ground next to hers. She picks up her bag to pull out Donna Beats. She reaches in and feel two 9 millimeter handguns. Damon must of place his guns in her bag. She's confused. Why would Damon put a gun in her book sack if he knew she was catching a plane? It doesn't make sense. Jason is checking in his 3 suitcases. She thinks fast. She put 1 of the guns in his bag. Jason turns around and Sherrie handed him his bag with a smile.

"I can't carry your bag and mines Jay!" Sherrie says with a friendly laugh.

Jason smiles. Happy that's she's finally smiling.

"Let's head to the gates." Jason says

Standing in line to go through the metal detectors. They get closer to them. Sherrie takes Donna half dressed build a bear and drops it. Donna about to speak. Sherrie grabs her arm tight and give her a look to not say anything.. It's time to be searched. Jason is first.

"Donna where is your bear your daddy gave you?" Sherrie ask

Donna look in confusion. Sherrie eyes traveled to it and signaled her to say it's right there.

"I must of dropped it mom. There it is." Donna say in a hesitant tone.

"Hurry go get it. We're next in line." Sherrie said.

She let two people go before her to keep an eye on Donna. The security guards starts a commotion. They all rush to the metal detectors and ask Jason to step aside.. Jason looks in confusion.

"What's the problem?" Jason ask

"Sir you have a loaded gun in your carry on. I'm going to have to ask u to put your hands up slowly." Security demanded.

Jason looks at Sherrie in rage. Sherrie grabs Donna and take off running in the opposite direction. Jason tries to run after her but security tazed him for not complying. Jason starts crying out in pain

"You bitch!! You're dead. You and Damon are dead.. Ughhhh!"

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