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It was a rainy day, that day. The day they thought that everything would be back to normal. The day they lost him. It was all going so well, how did it fall apart so quickly?

Tommy felt numb. How did he let this happen? It was his fault! He should have been more careful and then maybe he wouldn't have...

"Tommy?" Tubbo sniffed, sitting next to his friend.

Tubbo had been inconsolable. He thought things were finally looking up for them. He thought they could go home.

"We're-we're gonna be okay, right?" Tubbo asked.

His voice was pinched. Tommy could tell he was trying not to cry. The shorter boy curled up closer to Tommy. They were all they had left.

Tommy wrapped his arms around his friend, "we're gonna be okay Tubbo."

"Sh-should we bury him?" Tubbo asked.

Tommy shook his head, gulping down tears, "it-its too dangerous. If we slip up once, we would also turn."

A sob came out of Tubbo's throat, "this sucks... I wanna go home..."

Tears fell down Tommy's face, "me too Tubbo. Me too."

The boys sat there, tears running down both their faces. Tommy held tightly to the bullet shell in his hand. The bullet used to kill his brother.

He felt someone shaking him. Like how Phil is used to wake him in the mornings when he was small. But he was already awake. The nightmare of what happened was real enough. But the scene around him started fading. Tubbo disappeared. A fog blocked out the trees. Where was he? Where was his family!?



The boy woke up with a gasp. Phil was standing over him, worry etched into his features.

"You okay mate?" Phil asked.

Tommy nodded, sitting up, "yeah... Just a nightmare..."

"Okay..." Phil nodded, "well Techno's making pancakes. I'm sure if you hurry down to the kitchen you can grab some before they're gone."

Tommy tilted his head, "why would they be gone?"

Phil laughed, "cause Wil and Tubbo always plan to eat them! Did you forget you had a friend over?"

Tommy laughed as well, "I guess that dream really threw me off! I'll be down soon. Make sure they save me at least one!"

"I will." Phil told him, closing the door of his bedroom.

Tommy rolled out of bed, heading to the bathroom before having to chase his brothers away from breakfast. He looked into the mirror. His face was dirt free and unscarred. His bright blonde hair was clean, albeit messy from sleep.

The boy rubbed his eyes, still tired from the night. When he looked back up, another boy was staring straight at him. Tommy jumped back with a yell.

The boy had blonde hair a few shades darker than his own. Black lines covered half of his face and disappeared under his shirt. He was quiet a few inches taller than Tommy.

Tommy blinked and the boy was gone. He took a few deep breaths. What the hell was that?

There was a knock on the door, "Tommy?"

It was Wilbur. For some reason it hurt to hear his voice.

"Tommy are you okay?" Wilbur asked again.

"Y-yeah!" Tommy called back, "just uh, I just tripped."

"Okay, well, Tubbo is trying to take the last pancakes. Techno's holding his off but I don't think he wants to deal with it much longer." Wilbur chuckled.

Tommy smiled softly, "okay. I'll be out soon."

"You better! Techno's gonna surrender the pancakes soon!" Wilbur's voice faded as he walked away.

Tommy sighed. He pushed himself away from the sink. Away from the mirror. The boy was probably just his imagination. Tommy pushed open the bathroom door. Soon he would sit down and have pancakes. Then he and Tubbo would play games until he had to go home.

Tommy took a step out the door and paused. Was there something in his pocket? He fished around for a moment before pulling out a bullet shell.


Tommy woke up suddenly. Sunlight was streaming through the window, signifying a late morning. He groaned, pulling his blanket over his head.

He heard a sigh, "Tommy, get up. It's Michael's birthday today. You promised Tubbo and I that you'd keep him busy while we set up."

"Shut up Ranboo." Tommy huffed, "what time is it anyway?"

"Ten." Ranboo told him, "now get up or Phil will send Tubbo next."

Tommy sat up, rubbing his eyes, "I'm up, I'm up... Don't send Tubbo. Last time he woke me up he dumped a bucket on me."

Ranboo snorted, "I remember. Now hurry up. Michaels waiting."

Ranboo left the room. Tommy smiled softly. It had been a year since Ranboo got bitten, a year since he was cured. They'd all been living with Techno and Phil. And they had recently gotten in contact with other groups of people. They were making plans to talk about spreading the cure and making it available to the world. A major breakthrough after six years.

Tommy rolled out of bed, playing with the bullet shell around his neck. Hopefully Techno made pancakes.

Bitten {Benchtrio Zombie Apocalypse AU}Where stories live. Discover now