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The morning of day five was grey. The trio and their cow barely made it to the gas station before the van rolled to a stop.

"You think there's enough gas in here?" Tommy asked, tapping the gas pump.

Tubbo shrugged, "hopefully. This was around where the horde started, so people might have looked over it trying to escape."

Tommy nodded, "alright. Can you figure out how to get it working?"

Tubbo gave him a mock salute, making his way into the mini Mart, "on it boss man."

"I'll go with him, and get some food and stuff." Ranboo said, giving Henry one more pat before following the shorter boy.

Tommy gave a small nod his direction, "alright, be careful. Oh! And try and find some Coke!"

Ranboo chuckled, "I'll try."

Ranboo pushed open the door of the store. The dying bell made a small sound before fizzling out. Ranboo cringed at the sound.

Tubbo was already behind the counter, fiddling with the buttons. Ranboo went to the fridges at the back of the store. Almost everything had been looted. All the water, coffee, and alcohol were gone, but Ranboo smiled lightly when he spotted a two liter bottle of coca cola.

"Yes!" The two boys heard Tommy yell from outside, "good job Tubbo!"

Tubbo chuckled to himself, jumping over the counter. The boy made a beeline to the candy shelves. He was right to assume it hadn't been looted as heavily. Bags of sweets lined the shelves. It wasn't the healthiest, but hey, who's complaining?

Tubbo walked over to Ranboo, smiling widely, "can you believe it!? By the end of the day we'll be at the lab!"

Ranboo smiled softly, "yeah. We might actually make it in time."

"Hell yeah!" Tubbo cheered, slinging his arm around Ranboo's shoulder.

Ranboo was pulled down by the shorter boy, almost falling as they laughed. He didn't want to get his hopes up. So much could go wrong in a single day. Especially since the virus had spread up his shoulder.

"We're gonna cure you boss man." Tubbo fully hugged his friend, "I promise."

Now what could Ranboo say to that? So the taller boy just smiled and agreed. Even if he didn't believe it himself.

"Ranboo! Tubbo!" Tommy ran in, a wide smile on his face.

"Tommy, do not tell me you found another animal." Tubbo told him, releasing Ranboo from the hug.

Tommy pouted, "no! I was going to say the van is full and we can get going."

"Sweet!" Tubbo smiled, "we'll be out in a minute!"

Tommy nodded, "I'll get the van started up."

"And I found some Coke." Ranboo smiled.

"Yes!" Tommy cheered, his eyes lighting up.

Tubbo packed the candies in his backpack as Tommy walked away. Ranboo moved over to the back storage room. The door was stuck, almost like it had been blocked. Poor barricade, Ranboo thought as he shoved the door open.

Almost immediately, a knife was held to his neck.

"TUBBO!" Ranboo shouted, grabbing the person's arm.

The person squealed, loosing their balance and falling. Ranboo quickly disarmed them, only to realize that it was a child. They looked to be six or seven, with an eye patch over one eye.

"Ranboo!" Tubbo ran into the room, freezing when he saw the situation, "oh..."

Ranboo let go of the child, opting to keep their knife, "um, hi?"

The child pushed themselves back, cowering in a corner.

"Hey! We're not going to hurt you!" Tubbo told them, pulling out a bag of sweets, "it's okay, we can help you."

The child slowly crawled forward, their mouth watering at the sight of the candy. Tubbo gave them a few with a small smile.

"Are you hurt?" Ranboo asked.

The child shook their head, stuffing their face with the candy.

"What's your name?" Tubbo asked.

The child paused, looking up at the two. They glanced down at the floor and started writing in the dirt.

"Michael." Ranboo smiled as he read the sloppy handwriting, "well it's nice to meet you Michael, even if you did try and kill me..."

"How old are you Michael?" Tubbo asked.

The child held up six fingers. He then yawned, rubbing his eye.

Tubbo laughed lightly, holding out his hand, "come on, you can come with us."

Michael smiled, crawling into Tubbos arms. Tubbo grinned up at Ranboo.

"We have a child!" Tubbo giggled.

Ranboo rolled his eyes, "yeah, I guess we do now."

"Hey!" Tommy shouted from outside, "are you two coming or what!?"

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