Make It To Me-Shemar Moore (Part Two)

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Your P.O.V

"S-Shemar? How-W-What are you doing here?" I ask in clear shock. Out of all the people I know, he's the last one I'd expect to see here in Hawaii.

"I could ask you the same thing." He says. Everything that I have been trying to forget and possibly get over, all came rushing back at once.

The pain that I felt and had to go through the day I found out about him cheating on me, all those emotions hit me harder than before and without hesitating, my hand flew across his face so hard it stung.

I heard faint gasps around me as I held back the tears. Shemar clutched his cheek and looks back at me. "Really?! Four years, Shemar! It's been four years and that's all you've got to say?! Screw you!" I yell, letting my emotions get the best of me.

"Y/N, you're the one who got up and left without a word. No phone call, a text...not a single one for god's sake. You can't pin this all on me, Y/N! It ain't fair and you know it!" retorted Shemar.

"Are you stupid?! I left multiple texts and voicemails! You have no right to put this on me! You're the one who broke our relationship, thinking it was a good idea to screw my so called best friend behind my back!" I cried. Tears were now rolling down my face and I angrily wipe them away.

"You did this all on your own, Shema-"

"Wait, what are you talking about? Now you're just making shit up, Y/N! I never cheated on you-I would never! So please Y/N, clear this up for me cause you're not making any sense right now." He lies, yet again.

"I've seen pictures and videos, Shemar. So stop bullshitting me and own up!" I grab out my phone and show him the video and pictures that my now ex-best friend sent me.

"What the...Y/N, this is not real. You've gotta believe me. These pictures have clearly been photoshopped. Look at this, the lighting is not even the same. I'll show you the real picture." He says, scrolling through his phone and shows me the same picture and...she wasn't in it?

"Well this doesn't explain everything, Shemar. What about the stupid video?" I ask and showed it to him again. "Y/N, I'm asleep in this video. This is in our bedroom and it's the night you were doing overtime at work. You had her staying over in the guest bedroom cause her apartment was flooded and it wasn't going to be fixed for a week. Y/N, you gotta believe me when I tell you nothing happened that night! Heck, I didn't even know she took a video of me." He explains. Could he possibly be telling the truth?

He cups my face with his big hands, his face softens and I sigh. A big part of me wants to believe him but after all I've been through, I'm finding it hard to trust anybody. "Y/N, I would never hurt you in any type of way. You know me better than anyone and you know damn well I would never do something like tha-"

"-Here you two are! We've been waiting, is everything alright?" Alex asks, walking up beside me with a concerned look on his face. I give him a small nod and he reaches over, taking Shemar Jnr.

I shouldn't have done this in front of him. It wasn't the smartest thing to do but I couldn't help it.

"Shemar baby, there you are. You ready to go? The cab's waiting." I look behind him to see the one and only home wrecker-backstabbing bitch.

"Oh, Y/N! I didn't know you were in Hawaii. What a small world. Well, we'd love to chat but my husband and I have a busy schedule ahead of us but we'll see you later." She winks and I charge towards her in anger.

Alex pulls me back with his free arm. "Hey, hey! Y/N, calm down. She's just riling you up." Alex says, trying to calm me down. "Well it's working!" I whisper-yell.

Shemar Moore & Daniel 'Hondo' Harrelson ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now