Chapter 10

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Taehyung's POV

Once I made my way downstairs I seen two small boys, One with a pretty smile with also a very flirtatious stare and the other with pretty freckles on his face who I never met before...
I was stopped by the little man with the pretty smile

Jimin: "Hey, come play" he said skipping up to me

Taehyung: "I don't want to"

Jimin: "Yes you do, it'll be fun" he grabbed my hand and pulled me in the middle of the living room

His hand was so soft and small, his fingers then intertwined with mine

Felix: "I'm ordering pizza right now what do you want Kookie"

Felix: "And don't say pineapple I will literally kill you" he said holding the phone up to his ear

Jungkook: "Fine, just get the combination" he said walking up closer to him and sits on his lap

Jimin: "But I want pepperoni !" He yelled turning around now facing Jungkook and little freckle boy

Jimin's eyes became big as he pouted his lip and crossed his arms

Felix: "We can get both boo" he said then started ordering

Jimin: "Yayy !" He shouted with a smile

Jimin: "Now let's play" he said turning around facing me again

Jimin handed me a Wii remote

Taehyung: "I don't wanna play" I said in a low tone

Jimin ignored Tae as he placed his hand on his hip and clicked on Just Dance 3 and started going through all the songs

Jimin: "Ooouuu let's dance to this one" he said and clicked on the song

I just stood there and watched the loading screen as Jimin started jumping up and down with excitement.
He then turned around facing Jungkook

Jimin: "Watch me win"

Jungkook: "I'm watching" he said then giggled

Felix: "Show him how it's done" he shouted waving his finger in the air

The screen then loaded all the way through and the song began to play

"That's what I like" by Bruno Mars

I watched Jimin dance and I must admit he was good. I just swung the remote around which gave me a few points

5Songs Later
Jungkook's POV:

Jimin: "I win again, you suck ass"

Taehyung: "Mhmm" he replied

Jimin: "Ugh, I'm tired now" he said as he collapsed on the couch
Tae then tossed the remote on the couch and walked in the kitchen

Jungkook: "Have either of you heard from Momo?" I said still sitting on Felix's lap leaning back up against his chest fiddling with his fingers

Felix: "Nope"

Jimin: "Yeah, she was given me relationship advice before I showed up here. You know how Yoongi is I need all the advice I can get"

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