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After Tigger pulled that stunt, they all remained sitting on the bed. Roo managed to inch closer and closer to Tigger as he encouraged the young child to give out a big roars whenever the thunder boomed, and so that's what lil Roo did. Of course his first attempts were weak and insecure, but Tigger kept rooting for him and even joined him to give him the confidence he needed. Rabbit only watched with an admiring smile, seeing how Tigger could easily cheer up Roo and turn the boys fear into something fun. And as the thunder kept being vicious, they kept roaring and blocking out the booms with their laughter.

Eventually, Roo fell asleep. Rabbit tucked him in bed making sure he was all snug like a baby kangaroo should be in the pouch of its momma. And Tigger- who was now standing halfway out the door- stared adoringly at Rabbits nurturing. He leaned against the door frame, waiting for Rabbit to be done so they could return down stairs. As he waited he began to think back to when Rabbit clung onto him. He felt delighted that Rabbit actually hugged him, but also knew it was an accident. That it was triggered by panic. That fact made his joyous smile fade into a soft frown. Simply gazing down into nothingness.

As Rabbit walked away from the childs bed, he perceived Tigger. He noted how he looked to be in deep thought, even a bit sad. Rabbit forced a slightly loud yawn, just to get Tigger out of it. Tigger gazed back at Rabbit and instantly smiled once again. He leaned off the door frame, arms crossed and tail swaying. His smile then turned into a smirk. Rabbit raised a brow with an amused smile. "So prideful now, huh?" Rabbit softly joked.

Tigger chuckled quietly, "Whatz not to be proudz of?" But that wasn't a question to be taken seriously, yet..

Rabbit walked past Tigger and came up with the an answer. "Child endangerment."

Tigger furrowed his brows and was taken back, "Child endangerment-??"

"Yes Tigger, child endangerment." He repeated, feeling guilty all over again. He gripped his hand on the railing of the stairs, sighing with slight anger.

Tigger huffed, disliking the feeling of being shamed. "What matterz es that we're all okayz in the end. It twas a simple misfortune.."

"I know.." Rabbit muttered. "But you should consider the 'what if's' once in awhile!" He grred.

The two walked downstairs in their own thoughts. Rabbit reflecting how things could've gone wrong, Tigger debating Rabbits words. As they stepped down the final step, they heard snoring. They peered over to the couch, seeing a sleeping Gopher. Tigger snickered, seeing how he was covered in snack wrappers. Rabbit only ignored it, mentally moving on to figuring out what to do. The floor was still wet, but Kanga doesn't have a mop. So Rabbit stayed where he was, continuing to stress.

Tigger naturally gazed back at Rabbit, easily sensing the stress that was radiating off him. Tigger was hesitant, but gently tried to hold Rabbits hand. Rabbit pulled his hand away at first, but seeing how sincere Tigger looked he accepted it. He observed how their hands locked together, feeling confused yet astonished with how soft and warm Tiggers hand was at the moment. He wanted his stress to cease yet the longer they held hands the more anxious he felt.

As for Tigger, he felt his cheeks get flushed and he wanted so badly to pull Rabbit into a hug. He tried to hold back a smile, but that caused a goofy grin instead.

Rabbits mind started overflowing so he tugged his hand away, Tigger allowing it to flee. Rabbit softly rubbed the hand that was once intertwined with Tiggers, considering back to the whole concept of love languages. Also feeling a bit disturbed of the idea of two males holding hands in a possible romantic way. He glanced up at Tigger who already had his eyes on him. Rabbit turned his head away a bit flustered, but was mainly growing distraught.

ꨄ︎ Tigger x Rabbit ꨄ︎ {Winnie the Pooh Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now