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Kanga cupped one of Rabbits cheeks and thanked him, then leaving. She left entrusting both Rabbit and Tigger to watch her little Roo. But as she hopped away from her home she swear she heard a crash. That caused her to stop and look back. The house seemed fine though, and no other noise seemed to continue. So she decided not to worry much and put her faith into Rabbit.

She continued to hop on towards Eeyore's home, and along the way she saw Piglet. Instead of collecting his firewood he seemed to be intrigued by the ground. The ground full of leafs, sticks, and muddy areas; along with acorns and pebbles. Kanga stopped her hopping and watched tiny Piglet. She then made herself known by questioning him. "Piglet dear? What are you doing?"

Piglet got startled and jumped back a bit. His nervous system decided to malfunction as his body began to quiver. "o-Oh-oh K-Kan-Kanga! D-Didn't se-see-."

"Oh my, I'm terribly sorry Piglet! I didn't mean to scare you!" Her voice held concern and she felt deeply guilty. Piglet gave her an anxious smile, causing his eyes to squint. She bent down and softly picked him up. "Poor dear..i'm sorry.." She cradled him and nuzzled him.

Soon he felt comforted and nuzzled back. They both giggled together and Kanga set him down. He looked up at her, more stable this time. "Ms. Kanga, I-I was looking at these, these.." He scanned the floor looking for what he saw, yet at moment lost. "Oh dear.." His little ears when floppier than usual.

Kangas face saddened, realizing she made him lose what he found. "Sorry Piglet, I didn't mean to make you lose your focus.. May i help you look? What did they look like deary?"

Piglet looked up and shook his head, "Oh no, its not your fault! P-Please don't feel so bad! Bu-But it was, something like a pig nose?" He pointed at his pink little nose. "But brown, and not on a pig?" He began to look around on the ground again, and managed to find his bag of acorns and pinecones.

Ms. Kanga joined his search, and found something that seemed like a black walnut shell. She chuckled, "is this it?" She picked up the walnut shell, and he was right. It did look like a pigs nose. 'How cute!' She thought to herself. She then showed tiny Piglet.

Piglet let out a happy gasp, "yes! yes!" He flailed his arms in attempts to reach it, and Kanga quietly giggled. She than handed it to him. He examined it more, and wondered if he could find more. "What do you think it is?" He asked.

Kanga simply replied with, "A black walnut shell. Rabbit hates when the squirrels throw them in his garden." She put her hand up to her mouth and let out her giggles.

Her giggles made Piglet giggle, and he put it in his pocket. "W-Well i like em!"

"Glad you do~." She patted Piglet on the head. "I must be off now. Stay safe dear Piglet!" She then went on her way.

Piglet simply smiled and waved, then began to search for more of the pig nosed walnuts.

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ꨄ︎ Tigger x Rabbit ꨄ︎ {Winnie the Pooh Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now