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Eeyore grew tired, but was at peace. He slowly closed his eyes and mumbled, "Thank you.. Kanga."

"Of course~." She cooed.

After a while, they started up conversations and didn't notice the grey clouds rolling in. They did notice the wind picking up, but they just shrugged it off as the normal autumn winds. Once it started drizzling they stopped talking and watched as the rain droplets fell. "Oh my, i didn't know it was going to rain." Kanga stated.

Eeyore went towards where there should be a door and looked out. "It doesn't seem too bad.."

Kanga looked outside too, "Yes, that's true." But then the rain started to get heavier and the wind more harsh. Kanga shielded her face from it and stepped back in.

Eeyore's mane and ears were flung back as the wind hit him, and he squinted his eyes with displeasure. "Well.. Nevermind i suppose.." He slowly turned back into his home and sat in the corner where they were before.

Kanga reached for the door handle but then remembered there isn't even a door. :/ She became worried and went back to the corner with Eeyore. "Hopefully it dies down.."

"Hopefully..." Eeyore said, but he was forcing the optimism. He's more of a pessimistic guy.

Kanga looked over to Eeyore. "We should go somewhere more safer, and perhaps with a door." She advised. "No offense, dear."

"None taken.." He reassured.

The house began to rattle and shake, as if it were going to get blown away. Kanga and Eeyore both widened their eyes in terror remembering that his house was right near a cliff. And as soon as they felt the house move and lift up, Kanga grabbed Eeyore and took their chance to escape their death trap. She pushed against the winds and held Eeyore tight, and jumped out of his house. They turned back to see the house get flung off the cliff and into oblivion. They stared in shock, only to shut their eyes and curl their heads down from the impact of the rain/wind.

"We need to find shelter!" Kanga yelped, still using all her strength to hold Eeyore close. Eeyore didn't say a thing, he felt like it was going to be the end before they even found a place to take shelter.

Kanga began to fight her way through the wind. Her eyes were squinted and it was hard to keep them open from the brutal down pour, but she managed to keep going.


A/N: going to Piglet and Pooh


Piglet was left outside looking for the pig-nosed walnuts, yet once the clouds became grey and the wind picked up. He knew bad weather was on the way. So he was going to head back to his house, but thought going to Pooh's house would be better. He wouldn't have to be alone during the storm and Pooh was his best comforter.

Piglet arrived to Pooh's house and knocked. "Hello, Pooh?" He waited a bit and proceeded to knocked again. "Pooh?" His ears then picked up a muffled crash through the other side of the door, and then someone struggling to twist the door nob. Piglet tilted his head as he stared the wiggling door nob, and then looked up once the door opened up.

Pooh opened the door and smiled down at Piglet. "Why Piglet, what brings you here?" He chuckled, clearly happy to see his dear friend Piglet.

"We-Well Pooh, i-it seems the weather is getting st-stormy. And i was wondering if i could stay with y-you til it passes over??" Piglet asked, fidgeting with his scarf.

ꨄ︎ Tigger x Rabbit ꨄ︎ {Winnie the Pooh Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now