Chapter 3: After School

Magsimula sa umpisa

"Alyx! Alyx stop and face me like a man!". I turned around and looked at her. " what". She looked at me; "you're still giving me a ride to your place right?". I looked at her and shook my head. "Since I'm a fuck boy our little tutoring "sessions" are over. Find a new tutor who's better".

"Alyx wait I didn't mean it like that". I looked at her and got really close to her. "How did you mean it then Althea. Please tell me how". She looked down and started to speak. "I was jealous okay. When you kept talking about that girl I got really upset and hit you. I didn't really mean it though. I just hated hearing you talking about an-". I stopped her and lifted her chin up.

"I was talking about you Althea; super hot but kind of a bitch. That's you all the way so i was shocked to see that you thought I was talking about someone else". She opened her mouth in shock but I closed it. "Shit I hit you for no fucking reason. Your cheek is red". Althea put her hand on my cheek and I looked at her.

I've never seen her so concerned about anything before. I put my hand over hers. "It doesn't really sting anymore, it's okay". She hugged me tightly and kept apologising. I held onto her gently; "Althea it's okay you were upset. Don't beat yourself up about it's okay".

I pulled away from the hug and unlocked the car. "Cmon I'll order us some food so we can eat". She nodded and got in the car. I drove to my house and parked in the garage. "Wait so all of these cars are yours?!". I shook my head and grinned. "They're my grandfathers cars but he said they're mine since he can't drive them anymore".

She got out the car and walked over to a red 1994 Toyota Supra. "Is this like the car from Fast and Furious?". I nodded and grabbed the keys. "Wanna go for a ride? The pizza isn't gonna be ready for a bit". She nodded quickly and got in the car. I got in and drove out of the garage. I drove around for a little bit and then pulled over.

She looked at me and smiled. "You have so many nice things but you don't use them. How come if I can ask that". I looked down then back at her. "They're my grandpas things and when he sadly passes away I'll inherit them. I don't really care for the nice things since they really are just things. I don't care about the money or the materialistic stuff".

She grinned and hugged me tightly. "You are different from other guys you know that. Some guys would just flaunt around the money like they were rich. You just keep it safe and live your life like a normal kid". I nodded and drove us back to my house.

I saw a car in front of my house and I wasn't sure who it was. Althea sighed angrily and got out the car. I got out after she did and heard her arguing with the guy. It was her ex boyfriend Rio. "Rio why are you here! Get away from me"! Rio got up in my face and I pushed him back. "So you're with this fucking nerd now huh"!

Rio swung on me and I wasn't ready to dodge so I got hit. My glasses fell to the floor and broke. I roll my tongue and punch him hard. Rio stumbled back and tried to swing on me again but i dodged it. I punched him again and he fell to the ground. I started kicking him in the stomach while Althea leaned against my car.

He finally got up and stumbled back. "You can have that slut nerd. She's not worth it after you hear about why she's so close to you ". I looked at him confused; "what do you mean". Rio laughed and looked at Althea then at me. "You haven't told him yet?! Hehe I guess I will. You poor idiot; you were a bet. Althea started failing her class on purpose so her and her friends could bet on if she could get you to sleep with her".

I looked at her and she was staring at the floor. I looked back at Rio and he kept talking. " she does it to every nerd she comes across to just tear them down in the end. She's nothing but a slu-". I punched him again and yelled, " shut up! You come here again and I will fucking kill you! Leave!". He got back in his car and sped off.

The Nerd's SlutTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon