back in the past

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(in Jiang clan)
Jinling slowly opening his eyes when he feel that his in the bed. So he immediately got up when he see his uncle Jiang Cheng beside him.

Jl: uncle! Uncle! Your?!

Jc: yes I'm 21 not 34 you brat what have you done.

Jl: ahhh! And I'm... I'm .. I'm 6 again?!

Jc: your mother is 27 and so is your father .

Jl:"uncle! Where is wwx?!

Jinling ask in sad tone.

JC: I don't know but Mom Dad doesn't found him when he was 5 and your mom has a memory.

Jinling was about to say something when the door open.
Showing the face of her mother.

JYL: a-ling your awake now come on and eat some soup to strengthen you.

Jl: mother?!

Jinling quickly run into her and hug her.

Jl: it's my fault!! It's all my fault!
I'm sorry mom!

JYL: it was an accident you didn't mean it and I'm sure that's your uncle wwx would also say.
Come on cheer up! Well find him ok!


So they eat some soup and talk about things in there past life.

(In the morning)

Madam Yu: you kid come on let's eat!!!

Jl: Yes grandma!

Jinling said happily. Because it's the first time he saw his grandma's face.

They all eat and jinling practice his sword man ship too. Though he still doesn't have a real sword but he can use talisman now since he was from the future.

Femmian: ahhhh my nephew is really good at sword Man ship! I'm so proud.

Madam Yu: you better be!

Jc: Mom! Dad! That's enough come on let him practice.

Jinling run to JC and ask

Jl: uncle have you found him yet?!

Jc: no! But I found your dad being arogant at the kitchen now go join them there I'll go and find him now.

Jl: ok uncle!

Jinling really want to spend more time with his parents tough he still feel bad about there last fight of his uncle wwx.

Zixuan: a-ling come here I'll teach some sword manship do you want?

Jinling: yes father!! Coming!!

The whole day jinling enjoy the moment being with his father though he indeed notice that his father got a little arogant like what his uncle said.

Jingling: father when are we going to go back at Jin clan?

Zixuan: tomorrow a-ling now because have to finish building up at least the broken relationship of lan and Jin clan.

Jinling: broken relationship?

Jinling ask on why because the lan clan is known for its strict but also kind and back in there future life the Jin clan and lan clan really has a good alliance since lan xichen become the chief cultivator of whole cultivation world.

zixuan: it's all because of your uncle jinguashan though we are mending the problems now. You'll find out one day. Come on let's taste your mother's soup she made for us.

Jinling still want to ask farther though maybe today it's not the right time. So he just follow his father to the dinning room.

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