She tentatively approached it. From the outside you could see a single floppy limb hanging out of the dumpster.

Yep. They definitely wanted to be caught. No one's that dumb when hiding a body.

"Has anyone taken pictures yet?" She said suddenly, eliciting a shake of the head from Officer Soot.

"Get someone on it. This looks like a recent kill. We can't afford to miss anything."

The policeman nodded his head and jogged off, shouting for a camera in the process.

Now that she was finally alone, (Y/n) could really work her magic.

Bending down to peer into the dumpster, her nose was promptly met with a waft of garbage. It didn't help that there was blood mingled in there either, giving it the smell of month old gym socks.

Her (e/c) eyes meticulously scanned over the now dead male. He fit the description from the file; a mop of blond hair with a green sweatshirt. He had fairly decent looks too.

If he wasn't dead, she might have hit on him.

Nonetheless, (Y/n) reached into one of her many coat pockets. From there, she pulled out a plain set of latex gloves. Only after slapping the appliances on did she allow herself to stuff her hands into the squishy dumpster.

(Y/n) proded at the trash, trying to find a clue that could be of use to the forensics team. But nothing caught her eye. It was just the regular slum of garbage: empty pizza boxes and beer bottles galore.

Just as she contemplated giving up, a shiny object glinted from one of the corners. It grabbed her attention, successfully getting the sleuth to look at it.

It was a finely polished ring. A scattering of expensive jewels rimmed the thick metal center, displaying a circle with a melted and illegible logo on it.

(Y/n) gingerly picked it up with a smug smile on her face. There was no way in hell that somebody had thrown this away. Clearly it had come from the killer.

"Bingo." She whispered slowly.


"What the fuck just came out of your mouth Fundy."

A loud slam sounded through the tense atmosphere. You could practically cut into the thick tension with a dull steak knife.

"S-sorry ma'am, but the lab can't find it."

A growl rang through a very messy looking office. The figure that sat behind a wooden desk was clutching her head in anger.

"It has been fourteen days. Fourteen bloody days" (Y/n) hissed. "And now you tell me forensics has lost the only fucking lead we have?!"

"Like I said, the ring just seemed to disappear out of thin air m-miss. It was like it never even existed."

Finally looking up from the torrade of papers on her desk, (Y/n) softened in the slightest bit. The man in front of her was trembling slightly, frightened by her fierce tone.

"Sorry Fundy. It's just been a couple of sleepless days for me." She apologized tiredly. It was true. For the last couple of weeks, the detective hadn't been able to get her mind off the case. It plagued her all day, and especially in the dead of night when she had nothing else to do.

It was like the killer was silently taunting her. As if they were hiding in plain sight, laughing at her misery. It was driving the girl crazy.

There was just a certain feeling about this case that she couldn't put her finger on.

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