Chapter 5: Returning the Favor

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"Really? Just figured she was waiting for you while you were talking to Katherine about the raiders."

"Don;t know many people. Just came out of a vault a few days ago," Mason remarked, remembering seeing the world for the first time. "Me being a former vault dweller doesn't mean merde. Don't forget that."

"Considering you took out those raiders, it'd be dumb of me to assume you're incompetent."

While standing, a molerat tried to attack them, though Dogmeat took care of it by ripping out its throat. When Heather got there, they started walking. While they were going through Concord, they stopped by a speakeasy. While searching, Mason found a few things, including some clothing and a Concord Lagner recipe. There were a few odd sights, like a skeleton hugging a mannequin and another in a tub surrounded by three mannequins. Those had made Mason chuckle. It was strange but funny. When he was done collecting everything they could use, they left to walk to Sanctuary. While they were walking, they stopped by Red Rocket to collect some parts, some crystals and circuitry for beacons. Mason wasn't sure if Sanctuary had them, but the rest of the materials needed for a beacon was there.

"Taking a trip down memory lane?" Codsworth asked as Mason stuffed the parts into his bag.

"Parts for beacons," Mason answered. When he was done, he put the bag back on and continued walking. Before entering Sanctuary, Mason noticed the walls were built and a suitcase by the dead man's body. Looking in the suitcase, he found five pieces of paper with writing and materials written on them. These could come in handy. After pocketing the shipments, he walked through the gates of Sanctuary.

"Hey, Buff Man!" Mason yelled, catching Sturges's attention.

"Hey, Super Mutant. What's up?"

"Firstly, don't know what that is, though I know I might find out soon. Second, is it alright if this settler takes that cow?" Mason asked, referring to one eating grass by the workbench." He's going to work as a provisioner between here and Tenpines."

"The brahmin? Sure. We have another near the end of the road."

"Alright. Hey, what'd you do with those plans?"

"Put em in the workbench. Made sure they were put in a sealed container so they didn't get water damage."

"I'm guessing the plans aren't needed then?"

"Not anymore. A few others along with myself have gotten the hang of it. If someone else needs them, they can use it."

"Alright," Turning to the man from Tenpines, Mason addressed him. "I haven't made the plans for the beacons yet, but come back in three days, and you'll have them. For the time being, you'll have the ones for helping with walls and towers."

"Alright," the man said. "If it helps."

"It will," Mason stated.

"Once walls are done, raiders can only come in through a few spots, where you can pick 'em off as they try to get through."

After passing the plans to the provisioner, Mason walked to his house and dug through his bag before finding something. The 'Hi Honey!' holotape Nora had made before the bombs fell. Before all this... crap happened. After sitting on the couch, he took off his helmet, loaded the tape into his Pip-Boy, and hit play.

"*Feedback sound.* Oopsie. Ha ha ha. No, no, no. Little fingers away. There we go. Just say it. Right there. Right there. Go ahead. *baby giggles* Ha ha! Yay! Hi honey! Listen..."

When he heard Nora's voice, Mason couldn't help but tear up. He knew that, to him, it had only been a few weeks since he'd heard her voice, but it felt like it had been years.

The General: Reunionsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن