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Hey guys, hope this note finds you well..
Thank you so so so freaking much for reading and  showering MY 11:11 Stories, with nothing but  immense love and appreciation. It all makes me feel overwhelmed. 🤧🤍✨

Coming to the important stuff;
I am a Humanities student, with my exams starting in not less than 2 weeks, along with my regular offline classes which are currently going on. It's actually leaving me with no time to frame a  POV and write it, still I tried my best to do justice to all your expectations. I've tried to make plans and allot time to everything, it did work but it's just not possible at all now. Trust me I don't want to do it but the situations are turning odd.
Without going around the bushes, let me tell you all that there won't be any updates this month. Yes you read it correct;

A no update October.

I need to prioritise my studies at the moment. I can't put both of my feet in things which are completely opposite, doing that would only lead to disaster and I am sure about that. I can't update just for the sake of updating, as I want you all to read the best I can provide you guys with, and at this moment it's not possible.
I am gonna miss this place and your comments. 🤧🥺

But but but don't worry you all, Sherni gonna return anytime soon in November, with much changes to do justice to all your expectations and provide you with the best I can!😌🤞🏻

For the time being re-read all the previous updates to kill your time!🥰

Take care peeps!💫

Jaan'Nisaar ✨❤️

(Scroll to read the further updates 🌻)


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