Chapter Seventeen: The Friend of the Enemy

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Without thinking, Suguru places himself between Megumi and Gojou. He has no idea what's going on with his husband to even think about opening up his domain expansion on a boy no older than six years old but Suguru is not having it.

There's a wild look in Gojou's glazed blue eyes, it's almost as if he's seeing something else and isn't able to comprehend what's in front of him. Suguru would be a liar if he tried to deny the feeling of pure unadulterated fear that's coursing through his veins as his heart pummels against his ribcage. He's faced off against a lot of curses and curse users over the short stretch of his career but standing before Gojou like this is something far different.

Gojou's shoulders heave up and down and his lips twist into a wide and macabre smile.

"Satoru." Suguru frowns and takes a deep breath, ready for a fight to happen at any second. Behind him, the girls let out a whimper of shock or fear and it strengthens Suguru's resolve to stand firm. A loose circle of bystanders stand around them, Suguru hears murmurs and quick clicks of cameras going off. He has to get Gojou, the kids and himself out of here before security comes because who knows if that'll set Gojou off.

Gojou staggers forward with an unsteady step and Suguru holds out an arm, barring the three kids from seeing Gojou. A small hand digs into his shirt and he wishes he could look over his shoulder and give them all a smile and to reassure them that nothing bad will happen but Suguru doesn't want to take his eyes off of Gojou.

"All this time," Gojou rasps, "all this time, my enemy has been right here in my head. I thought it was in my head." A breathy laugh escapes his lips as the deranged man points to his temple.

"I thought I was going fucking insane yeah? I figured that I finally lost my damn mind!" Gojou's pale and shaking hand drops to his side and he tilts his head, finally looking up at Suguru with wild and wide eyes as his smile grows. "Yet, here he is in the flesh again!" He throws his head back and begins to laugh.

"Mister Getou-" Mimiko whispers, grabbing his hand. Her palm is cold and clammy and tiny fingers tighten until he feels her fingernails biting painfully into his hand.

"Satoru, we-" Words die on his tongue when Gojou shakes his head and holds up a slim finger against his lips.

"It means that I was right this whole time. That I wasn't losing my mind... that you've kept the enemy with you, making you my enemy. Do you know what I do to my enemies?" Gojou bends forward and Suguru is lost in the endless blue churning ocean of Gojou's maniacal gaze. "I kill them." He whispers.

"Satoru, stop!" Suguru shoves Gojou away and the other man stumbles, half falling to the ground. For a few heartbeats, no one moves. In the distance, there's the pounding footsteps of security coming their way. One of the girls behind him is openly crying at this point and guilt eats away at Suguru for bringing them here. A soft chuckle distracts Suguru from worrying about the kids.

"I used to love you, you know. Maybe I still do... but none of that matters now." Gojou struggles back to his feet and turns to leave. Pausing, he glances over his shoulder to Suguru. "Next time I see you, I won't hold back. I'll kill you and every single one of my enemies until I, alone, am the only one standing. Good bye, Suguru." Gojou walks away and Suguru can do nothing. The sea of spectors part for the white haired man and in an instant, he's gone.

Turning around, Suguru gathers all three kids and hugs them tightly as he apologizes to them. He only lets go of them when a security officer approaches and asks for his statement.

Suguru doesn't even process anything he gave the security officer, deep in his heart all he can feel is the vast pang of loneliness and confusion.

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