"Brett..? I don't understand. Why are you acting all weird?"

"...Eddy.. check the balance."

Eddy looked at the balance printed on the ATM receipt. His eyes widened.

"...seven hundred and fifty two thousand four hundred and fifty three dollars..??"


Eddy shushed Brett in panic.

"Shhhhh Brett...!! Please, security will end up in here if you don't keep your voice d.."

Before Eddy could finish his sentence, his office door was opened by the security guard.

"...Mr Chen, is everything okay?"

"Yes. Absolutely, everything is okay"

The guard gave a stern look around Eddy's office then nodded.

"Okay, sorry for interrupting."

The security guard closed the door and left.

Brett hissed.

"Now just how the hell would he know that I'm not threatening you to just say that everything is okay?"

"Brett.. please don't joke about stuff like that in a bank.. we have our ways to communicate that you are legit and that I wasn't threatened."

Brett was somewhat intrigued with what Eddy had said but there were more pressing issues at hand.

"So.. Eddy, you can't explain why we have an extra three quarters of a million dollars in our bank account?"

"No, I cannot. Lemme check."

Eddy quickly sat down at his desk and typed in his password and looked up their account.

"Brett.. it says here our balance is just over a couple of grand in here.. it looks like what it's supposed to look like."

This particular joint account was used for their daily expenses and was not meant to have excessive funds in it.

Brett went pale.

"What..? So... whoever put the money in our account has already taken it out?"


"But.. but.. but what if the person who put the money in and the person who took the money out are two different people? And what if the person who took the money out wasn't the person that the person who put the money in expected it to be? Would they then come after us for the money?"

Eddy furrowed his brows.

"Brett.. it's relatively easy to put money into an account but taking it out without our authorisation is very difficult."

"But.. but... look what's happened? Don't you see? It's happened !?!? Eddy, I almost died when I first saw this receipt. I must have looked really suspicious because the security guard came out of the bank branch and stood really close to me, asking if everything was alright. I was actually scared he was disguised as a security guard and was about to take me out. That was when I called you"

"Brett.. have you been getting enough sleep? You're so on edge."

"But Eddy.. doesn't it concern you even a little bit? To be honest, my first reaction was YAY FREE MONEY, then I got scared, really scared. There is no such thing as free money. That money belonged to someone and now it's gone. They might come after me for it. Worse, they might come after you for it.. Eddy.."

Eddy bit his lower lip. It was like a plot of a spy movie. But on a serious note, Eddy wasn't scared of being taken out by some assassin in a gang, he was more concerned about a bank security breach if that money was once genuinely in their account and now gone. He clicked on a part of his screen to further investigate.

"Brett.. there is no evidence of that money ever being in our account."


Eddy turned around. He reached his hand towards the centre of the table and picked up the ATM receipt that Brett had previously slammed down. He then started to rub his fingers together with the ATM receipt held between his fingers.

Brett could not believe his eyes when he saw the receipt duplicate.

Brett stammered.

"W.. what the..."

Eddy peeled off the top ATM receipt and looked at the second one that was revealed underneath.

"Brett.. I recognise the bank account number of this second receipt. This one is ours. The person who used the ATM before you who forgot to take their receipt was the person who had the seven and a half grand balance."

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