kiss me once, then kiss me twice, then kiss me once again

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This is a Stevetonybucky one-shot as well as Peterned. 🌝
Steve always had freckles on his face, right on his cheeks. His helmet usually covered them half the time, but when he wasn't out as Captain America they were as clear as day. Steve never really payed them any mind until he got into a relationship with his two partners. Tony and Bucky. Their favorite thing to do was kiss Steve's freckles and everytime they did Steve would end up flustered and as red as a tomato. Every morning he was woken up with multiple kisses on his cheeks and he was immediately put in a good mood when he opened his eyes to see Tony and Bucky smiling down at him. 

The two would randomly attack him with kisses and it was another thing Steve loved. After missions where Steve had to leave without his partners he'd be bombarded with kisses to his cheeks, nose and lips. It always relaxed Steve after a risky or failed mission, that he could come home and his partners would be waiting for him. 

When they finally adopted a child they had found ther perfect kid. Peter Parker. They had adopted him when he was only a baby. He immediately fit into their chaotic family along with the Avengers. The whole team immediately fell in love with him. Knowing that Peter would grow up with an aunt and a bunch of uncles on his side gave Steve a comforting feeling. 

When Peter got older around 4 years old the three of them learned that Peter also had freckles on his cheeks and nose just like his pops. When Peter finally noticed all he did was talk about how he's just like Steve. Bucky and Tony thought it was the most adorable thing ever. It soon became a habit for all three of them to kiss Peter's freckles as well, Peter would burst into a fit of giggles as all three of his dads kissed his cheeks and nose. Their sons laughter was like music to their ears, all the laughing would also tire him out and make nap time easier which they thought was a plus.

Now that Peter was 16 and in his own relationship with Ned, his best friend, he also picked up the habit of kissing beauty marks. Ned had one near his lips and Peter would kiss him there and then on the lips everytime. Ned loved it and would laugh everytime.

As the two sat down on the couch in Avengers tower Ned turned to his boyfriend. 

"Peter, can I ask you something?" 

The other boy turned to face Ned giving him all his attention. "Yeah what's up?"

"Not that I don't love it, but why do you always kiss the one freckle by my lip?"

Peter smiled and shrugged. 

"It's a thing my Papa and dad do with my pops. They always just kiss his freckles and when they adopted me, they just did the same thing. I guess at this point it's just a habit." 

Ned smiled "Well, it's a very cute habit." 
Peter's smile grew wider and Ned kissed him on the cheek where his freckles were.
Y'all 😳 how long has it been omg I haven't updated in forever 🧍I did not die I started ✨high-school✨ my writing still sucks ass tho lmfao anyway omg I feel like I haven't been here in forever like what also I still have an AO3!! It's Newt_Parker !! But um ya 🧍might dissappear again for months for shits and giggles (to work on school 🌝🥲) love how I drop a one-shot and then dissappear. anyways so, yeah I've started to love Stevetonybucky/winteriron 🤚😔 I can't help it they're so fucking adorable and I love that idea where they raise Peter together also rq
Papa: Tony
Dad: Bucky
Pops: Steve
Yeah 🧍🧎 anyway if you don't like it then um,,, wait another couple months and hopefully I'll post something else you'll like lmfao but yeah, I'm trying to work on like actual longer fics instead of one-shots yk but like writing and finding writing motivation is hard especially when you suck at it and have school </3
Also I apologize for how cringe I used to be, hope I'm funnier now 🦟🦗🦟🦗
Probably not I'm embarrassing ok goodbye y'all 🙏‼️rq again, might fuck around and try to rewrite some of my old one-shots (imagine a lip bite emoji right here lol)

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