"What a crazy day."

87 2 5

Day 4
(Part 2)




“Wake up..”

I heard a soft voice, at some point it got louder and louder until I actually fully opened my eyes. At first I thought it was (Y/N) but once my eyes focused more I realized that it was just Sabo waking me up.

“Mmmm...Ok okk im awakee…” I said as I slowly sat up, my eyes felt so dry. “WHat happened last night” I thought, slightly confused.

“Finally come on Ace already made food- you literally didn't want to get out of your room the entire time last night so we just picked the lock with a bobby pin” Sabo said proudly as he stood up and left the room.

It hit me, I sighed as I stood up to go to the living room. I didn't feel like really talking anymore, I felt dumb, like dumb dumb. I went to the dining room with was right next to the kitchen, once I stuck my head in I saw Sabo and Ace chatting while eating what looked like eggs, spinach, and some toast.

I yawned a bit before sitting down, I brought my legs up so I could sit more comfortably. I grabbed the fort next to the plate the Ace made, and started eating my eggs peacefully.

They were the one thing that were able to bring my mood up, food was something that I really could savor, it was delicious. I smiled a bit as I continued to eat.

“Like always. You never get tired of food do you” Ace said as Sabo smiled at Aces comment. “You know the event is today right?” Sabo mentioned as he got up to wash his plate “Oh yeah! We should probably get some clothes to properly wear, it is based on the culture after all, we should respect it” he said while he finished his plate.

It honestly hurt being reminded of that.

What am I gonna say to her? What if I do something wrong again?

“I got a question….’ I mumbled wanting to ask for help since I just felt so confused.

“Hm?” Ace stood up to give Sabo his plate before sitting back down “You what?” he asked, not really hearing me. “I- I got a question!!” I said loudly on accident making them both give me a “what the?” yet worried look. “Calm down Luffy- what's your question?” Sabo said as he wiped his hands with a small towel so he could sit down.

“I think I messed up..I..what’s a lover?” I said in a slightly low voice.

“What's a lover?” Ace said surprised as he looked at Sabo before looking back at Luffy.

“Luffy...A lover is like having a friend but more of like a best friend. They know you by heart, they want to share moments with you, do anything with you, even uhm...sexual sort of things and well they're a person that wants to be with you forever.” Sabo said

“It's love Luffy. Not the type you have with friends or family but the type when you feel happy with a person, when you like them specifically.” Ace said while rubbing his neck a bit.


“You're a moron if you can't even realize that.”

That sentence stayed in my mind.

Repeating itself.

“Oh- “ I said quietly.

“Luffy..what happened?” Sabo asked, a bit worried.

I gotta fix this.

(Y/N) I'm sorry I couldn't tell what it was.

I promise I'll make it right.

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