A New Day

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                    Part 1 of Day 3

It was morning, I was pretty tired since I mainly stayed up last night when I came home yesterday. ¨It was so weird- I did that- to Luffy. I didn't mean to he was just so close¨ I thought as I slightly turned red before shoving my pillow in my face then sighed. ¨Imma have to start getting ready now I guess...I'm probably gonna be the only one there but whatever,¨ I thought.

It was only 6 o´clock.

I was tired but I just needed to think.

Of what exactly? I dunno.

I had to change into my uniform before making some coffee for myself, after all of that I finally got into my shoes and left my house. I sighed after sipping on my coffee, it felt warm in my hands ¨Today seems a bit cloudy..hm interesting¨ I thought as a smile slightly grew on my face. I finally arrived at the station which was great timing since I finished my coffee at the same time. ¨Man no one's actually here….Great¨ I thought except for the last part which I ended up saying out loud to myself. I sat down at my desk and decided to see what we possibly had to do for today.


¨Well you're early...¨ A voice said out of nowhere which cause me to turned around out of slight fear ¨Oh- it's just you hehe¨ I said relieved before realizing as I stood up ¨Hey- why did you scare me?!? You could've knocked or something first!¨ I said before punching Zoro´s shoulder.

¨Ow- look I didnt think youd be here this early alright¨ he said before bringing both of his hands up ¨Same goes for me although i guess i've ever seen you come here so eh¨ I said while grinning a bit making him slightly smile ¨Well anyways you and Luffy are gonna patrol in the Mall, someone complained saying that a person stole a watch there so you guys are gonna have to keep watch there¨ He said as he turned around to leave ¨um..actually¨ I started saying after tugging on him which made him look back at me
¨well..uh you see...¨ I tried saying while looking at the floor ¨Do you think I can switch...with someone else?¨ I asked.

¨I thought you liked Luffy- you guys usually hang all the time¨ He said while raising his left brow wanting to know the cause of her request.

¨No no I do- it's just um...n- nevermind actually- yeah!¨ I said nervously as I left the area immediately, slightly shoving him to the side.

¨Hey!- Did something happen? (Y/N) if he did something that made you uncomfortable then tell me-¨ he said concerned cas he followed until he grabbed my wrist making me look back at him.

¨I said nevermind Zoro just let it go-¨ I said trying to get out of his grip.

¨It doesn't seem like it¨ he said as his loosened his grip ¨Its concerning (Y/N).¨

I sighed ¨ I'm sorry it's just something that happened yesterday¨ I said while slightly turning red.

¨Oh- something you seem to be happy about¨ he said before pointing at my tail, ¨Don't make it obvious¨ he chuckled.

Tik tok tik tok.

It was 7:55.

¨(Y/N)!!! Good morning!!¨ Luffy said after popping out between Sabo and Ace, he seemed to be excited. I quickly turned towards Luffy only to make a squeak noise ¨EEK!-” I quickly hid behind Zoro ¨Imma gooooo- to the MALL! YEAH! Ill cya there Luffy hehe!¨ I said before quickly running out, Luffy tried grabbing my hand but he missed.

¨Hurry up¨ Zoro said, making Luffy turn back to him ¨Were gonna watch the mall today? Seems exciting!¨ he said before storming off.


¨Oi (Y/N)!! Wait!!¨ I yelled trying to catch up to her ¨Why is she walking so fast??¨ I thought, I slightly pouted ¨(Y/N)!!¨ I said before coming up to her from behind, I wrapped my arm around her on her shoulder ¨Why are you so fast??? There's no need to rush¨ I said before feeling something poke me as we continued to walk ¨Her tail seems excited right now¨ I thought, I looked back up to see her face.

It looked red.

Really red-

¨Hey are you okay?¨

¨I-Im fine! I just uhm..want to get some ice cream!¨ she responded.

¨In the morning?¨ I questioned ¨Oh well at least it's something edible!¨ I said as I started running to get there faster ¨Meet you there slowpoke!¨

(Y/N) gaspe feeling disrespected ¨You little!-”I am not slow! You are!¨ she said as she tried catching up.

I chuckled happily as I ran.

¨Yeah right!¨ I responded.

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