Forget - 15

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Dazai stayed next to her until she had fallen asleep. Bringing her back home was t the easiest. He looked out the window and saw how bright the city was. He wished it were like that all the time.

Dazai looked back down at the girl. Here eyes were still puffy, stained with dried tears. And for once, she looked like she were at peace.

Dazai wondered why all this was suddenly happening. During the past four years, she had never went through this much pain. And during those years, he honestly wished she had moved on. That she would find someone else to be happy with. But she always held onto Chuuya.

Dazai felt a Sweden buzz in his pocket. He took his phone out and looked at the message. He glared down at his phone, reading the name of the messenger. He angrily stood up and walked towards the door, not before looking back Misaki's tired figure laying in her bed. Dazai sighed one last time before leaving the house, and then looking up her window.


Dazai glared disappointingly at the person right in front of him. He imagined something like this happening. But he didn't expect to be the one to fix the problem. Why couldn't it have been someone else? "Why the hell am I here?" He asked himself.

Chuuya lifted his head up from the counter and looked over at Dazai. Chuuya's face was completely red. He had clearly had a lot to drink. And he must have been really drink if he looked up at Dazai and smiled. "You're here!" Chuuya cheered.

A normal Chuuya would thrown up at the sight of Dazai. But drunk Chuuya couldn't be happier. But no matter what state either we're in, Dazai hated the boys existence. "Why are you drunk?" Dazai glared.

"Come one. Don't ask questions. Let's hang out. It's been four years!"

"Get to the point Chuuya, this is about Mi-"

"Hey bartender, get my friend a drink too, please!" Chuuya cut off.

"This seriously pisses me off." Dazai muttered.

The bartender came back with a few more drinks. Chuuya didn't hesitate to chug them all. He ignored the the pain in his throat. Though nothing was more painful than what he was already going through.

Dazajj took a seat next to Chuuya and grabbed another drink. "I doubt you brought me here to drink with you. We're not even friends."

"Of course we aren't. We're best friends!" Chuuya laughed, smacking Dazai on the back.

He flinched from the pain and glared at the drunk idiot right next to him. "Good to know. Now can we talk about why we're really here? It's clear this is about Mi-"

"Wow! Look at that! Bartender, can I get one of those?"

Dazai couldn't tel if he was annoyed by him, or pitied him. He was clearly hurting. It pained Dazai to see the two people he cared about like this. Wait? What did he-

In the quick second of regretting what he was thinking, Dazai looked around and spotted Chuuya walking out the place with a giant bottle of alcohol. "Hey you shit! Get back here!"

Before Dazai can run off, and strong arm grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. The bartender glared at the boy and pointed to the drinks. Dazai sighed, and took out his wallet. "Dammit Chuuya."


Dazai wasn't sure how, but he ended up near the beach. And from where he was, he had a clear view of Chuuya struggling to walk on the sand. A took a chug of the alcohol he had, most of it spilling all over him. Then Chuuya stumbled to the floor, tripping on nothing.

Dazai sighed. He walked over to the Chuuya, seeing that there was no more alcohol. "Can we talk now?" Dazai asked.

Chuuya sat up, and looked at Dazai, then back at the ocean. "No. I don't want to be in more pain."

"You're putting yourself in pain like this. This is. Only going to make you feel worse." Dazai scolded.

"Haven't been like that the past few years."

"But you regret it, don't you?" Chuuya stayed silent, grabbing the bottle and throwing it as far as he could. Didn't go too far. "See, this isn't helping."

"Well I need to forget. That's all I want."

"Do you really?"

Chuuya didn't say anything. He laid back down on the grass and looked up at the stars. They were bright and beautiful. They were able to make him forget at times. But a lot of the time, they only brought pain.

"Behind us..." Chuuya said. Dazai turned around. There was a small children's park. No one was there. But the lampposts brightly lit up the place. "That's where I confessed to Misaki. When you made me go through a week of not seeing her. At the time, that was the most pain I had ever went through."

Dazai remembered that day. And at the time, Misaki was the one struggling.

"I mean it when I say I want to forget. And I mean it when I say I wish I had never met Misaki."

"No you don't!"

"I do. Because if we hadn't, neither of us would be in this much pain. So my only solution is to try to forget. Forget the I ever met her. Forget our life together. Forget seeing her in so much pain. Because it hurts me to see her like that. I want to forget. But the universe finds it so damn amusing that I'm this much of a mess."

Dazai stared down at Chuuya in pity. He could see tears falling down Chuuya's face. And the drunk Chuuya didn't even realize it.

"I drink to forget, but when I do, I somehow end up here, which only makes me remember. I always question if I had done something in my past life for the universe to hate me. But who knows, maybe I'm just an in likable person."

Dazai clenched his fist in anger. The way Chuuya talked angered him. He wanted to punch the boy so hard. But that probably when he wanted.

"All I hope is for her to find someone else. Maybe she'll be happy."


She wasn't even crying, but the tears wouldn't stop. The hat she held onto was bringing back memories that she hadn't thought about a quite a while. They were happy ones. Memories of being with Chuuya. But it was the happy ones that hurt her the most.

She brought her legs up and crawled into a little ball. She let the tears fall and the pain wash over her.

She could still feel Chuuya's warmth all over her body. She could feel his his warm kissed on her lips and her neck. She could still feel his hand resting on her cheek. Misaki missed it all.

How long would it be till all the warmth she felt turn cold? How long till she forgets? That what she wanted to know. Misaki didn't want any of this to last a second longer.

She so badly wanted to forget. To forget about everything.

To forget about Chuuya.

Sorry it's been a while. It's been busy. Hope you enjoy

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