I Love You, Kokichi... (Rewrite)

Start from the beginning

Shuichi looked at the chekered scarf in his hand while trying to remember the execution. The last thing he saw is the boulder coming at him as he passed out.
"I-... I don't know...". Maki stared at him, trying to read his expression. "At least you are okay. We thought we lost you, Shuichi", mumbled Maki, smiling softly. "Y-yeah...". Shuichi scratches the back of his head.

Shuichi and Kaito pushed the boulder away, climbing to the top. Kaito grabbed Maki's hand as he smiled brightly at her, getting a scoff and a tint of blush on Maki's cheeks as a response. Maki helped Himiko up. Shuichi walked away from them, clutching the scarf that was tied around his neck. He looked up to the sky, taking a fresh air as he felt the cold breeze touched his cheeks.

"So, you did it, huh?". Shuichi recognized the voice as he looked to his side. Kokichi standing beside him with his arms crossed across to his chest, looking at the blue sky. He was wearing his white uniform without his scarf. Shuichi closed his eyes as his blue hair swept across his features. "Yeah...", Shuichi replied.

They stood there in silence, enjoying the moment before Kokichi speak up. "Well, I guess this is goodbye. Man, do I hate goodbyes.", Kokichi mumbled with a sad tone. Shuichi smiled at him sadly. "Well, then. See you later, Kokichi.", said Shuichi as he walked away, leaving Kokichi with his thoughts. Kaito, Himiko and Maki yelled for Shuichi, trying to find him. The words still ringing inside Kokichi's head. Kokichi tears up while watching Shuichi getting further and further from his reach.

Kokichi laughed and smiled as he clutched his chest. Kokichi slowly fades away as he closed his eyes. "Yeah... See you again... My beloved Shumai", Kokichi whispered. A tear escaped from his eyes, streaming down his cheeks and dropped to the ground as he disappeared forever.

A few months later...

A blue-haired boy hurriedly tying up his tie, looking at the clock that was hanging on the wall. He is late for his job interview. "Shuichi, you forgot your breakfast. Maki pack it in your lunchbox!", Kaito yelled from downstairs. Shuichi claimed down the stairs and snatched the paper bag from Kaito's hand and tell thanks.

Shuichi looked at his watch. 'Ah, fudge! If I didn't get on the bus, I will be late!' Shuichi bumped into someone. "Ah, f*ck. Watch where you're going!". Shuichi stood up, dusting any dirt on his pants before helping out the person he bumped into. "I-I'm sorry. Let me help you." Shuichi rushed to help the boy. Shuichi picked up the sheets on the ground as the man brushed his pants off.

"Here you go-" Shuichi stopped himself as a gasp coming out of his mouth. The man has purple messy hair that defies gravity, a chekered bandanna wrapping his neck and a purple and yellow eye colour. Shuichi didn't realize he was staring at the boy too long until the boy spoke up. "Jeez, I know I'm handsome but no need to stare at me like a creep, emo boy", the man huffed.

Shuichi snapped out and quickly stood up, giving the man the sheets. "A-ah, sorry. You look familiar that's all. I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable with me staring at you. You just look like someone I know...". Shuichi excused himself as he rushed to, the bus, only to find the bus already left without him. He felt a tuck on his sleeve, he turned around to see the man he bumped into earlier smiling brightly at him.

"You must be in a hurry! Let me help you!", The boy said. Shuichi politely declined the offer, he is a stranger after all but the boy keeps insisting. Shuichi finally give up, letting a sigh out of his mouth. The purple-haired man leads the way to his car, opening the door for Shuichi to get in. Shuichi was hesitant at first but he pushed his thought and went in anyway. "So... Where are we going?", The man asked as he starts the engine.

"Detective Kirigiri Agency...", Shuichi mumbled which the man nodded and drive away. "So... About what you said earlier... You said I look like someone you know... Is the person you know is Kokichi Ouma?", the man asked, not removing his eyes from the road. Shuichi eyes widened, hearing the name of his deceased friend. "Y-yeah... How do you know?! Do you know him?!", questioned Shuichi, looking at the boy beside him.

The purple-haired man laughed at the former Ultimate Detective's behaviour. "Well, yes. He was my brother after all. A twin to be exact. But... He went missing a year ago...", he sighed. "I keep on searching him even though the police had given up on him. Until... I found out he died in that sadistic killing game...", the man paused for a while. Shuichi's breath hitched. He bumped into Kokichi's brother.

"You are Shuichi Saihara... Right? The one that killed my beloved brother in the killing game.", the man spoke as he clutched the steering wheel, digging his nail in it. "Y-yeah...", Shuichi looked down at his hands that once has Kokichi's blood on them. Never once did he not feel guilty for killing the poor boy. The man beside him sighed and parked the car. They already arrived at their destination. "I wanted to kill you for taking my brother's life...", he growled.

"But I know my Lil' bro didn't want that. He is too forgiving even though he didn't look like it. He may be narcissistic, rude and a compulsive liar but deep down he cared for his peers and do anything to protect them. He is goddamn reckless when it comes to saving his friends. He'd so anything even if it cost his life." The boy looked Shuichi in the eyes.

"I'm Kouichi Ouma, the Ultimate President. I'm Kokichi's right-hand man. Though ever since the leader of D.I.C.E passed away, I've taken the title as the next leader of D.I.C.E.", Kouichi took out a note and not down his number before giving the note to Shuichi. "Here's my number. Maybe we can talk sometimes when you are free.", Kouichi smiled brightly. Shuichi nodded and get off the car. He walked into his agency. Shuichi looked at the note in his hand before shoving it in his pocket.

The End...

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