(2) Set In Stone

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I was waiting patiently in my box for Ranboo to arrive, per usual. I messed with the orbs of levitation beside me while I waited, carefully not to activate them. I soon heard three small taps, the signal that it was Ranboo.

I lifted my box lightly and it glided up, hovering. My back straightened as I looked at him, he was already sitting down. He smiled when I spoke.

Y/n- "Hey Ranboo! How are you?"

Ranboo- "fiiiinnee. What aboout youuuuuu?"

He still had that slur to his voice, though it was getting better, and for some reason he really liked to make some words longer than they were. I could still understand him though, so that's all that matters.

Y/n- "I'm good, there hasn't been many people in the city lately so that's nice."

Ranboo- “do those people hurrt you?”

The clearness of that sentence sent shivers down my spine, he only slurred one word. He was very serious now, like it truly mattered to him if they tried to hurt me or not.

Y/n- “well, i'd be lying if i said they didn't scare me. They don't exactly ‘hurt’ me, they're just here for the elytra.”

He continued to watch my every movement, either waiting for me to say more, or searching for lies. He did this often, he was always good at reading people. Whether they were sad, angry, lying, confident, whatever. He would know.

Y/n- “what?”

He huffed slightly, showing a tad bit of annoyance. He was normally very patient with me, so this was odd. He reached his clawed hand to my face, tracing over a scar that went from the bridge of my nose to the edge of my cheek. I jumped a bit at the light contact, but relaxed as I knew he wasn't going to do anything.

Ranboo- “Then whaatssss this frooom?”


I felt my back against the cold wall, panic surging through me. I looked at my box, trying to find a way to get in, to get to safety. The blonde male in front of me grabbed his weapon swiftly, making me flinch.

?????- “Damn shulkers…”

He slowly walked towards me, only making me more scared. I wanted to talk, to say I meant him no harm, but the words just wouldn't come out. His icy blue eyes stared daggers into my soul, and the newly obtained elytra on his back showed superiority.

?????- “Alright, don't move, or else.”

Although I didn't want to be murdered, I DIDN'T WANT TO BE MURDERED. Of course I was gonna move, but I nodded anyway. Hopeful that my not very good trick will work.

His sword went into the air, and came down. I used my right foot to launch myself to my box, praying I could get into it, into safety. I felt a pain on my face but ignored it, realizing I probably didn't completely get away.

I felt the warmth of my box and smiled, although it hurt on one side. I hit something, and the light all around me faded, slowly turning into the comfortable purple hue I was so used to seeing.

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⏰ Última actualización: Oct 09, 2021 ⏰

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