(1) The Day We Met

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I sat in my box, curled up nice and cozy. Most people would say i live terribly, considering i spend most of my time in a single hollowed-out block, but i say it's just how i live. Who are you to judge me for living this way?

I personally think anything bigger than a block is too big, wastes too much space. Yet you don't see me judging humans for living in giant houses now do you?

I continued rambling in my head about things that didn't concern me, a normal thing for me to do in my box. I wanted to continue, but i then heard the footsteps of someone approaching. I curled up tighter in my box to not raise suspicion.

I knew this human was here for the elytra, they always are. My box is sadly right next to a frame, which means i have the job of protecting the elytra.

Did i do that job? No. I was too afraid of humans. Even though I could send them slowly up into the void, they had sharp objects that would probably hurt to get hit by. I wasn't gonna be the one to test that, though.

I sat curled up in my box for what felt like forever, the footsteps stopping right in front of me. I slowly attempted to scoot further back into my box, failing as i was already curled up to my best abilities.

I saw a white claw stick through a small crack in the middle of my box, opening it immediately. The top of my box swirled up, hovering about a foot above the base.

I backed up, startled. My back hit the back of my box and my knees curled up to my body. I took a look at the human who opened my box, and was surprised when it was most definitely not human.

It was a tall creature with terrifying purple eyes. Its face was split in half, one side white and one side black. It looked like it was an enderman, but also not. It stared daggers into my soul, its golden crown looking close to falling off.

We stared at each other for a good while, which made me uncomfortable. The creature eventually stood up to its full height, which to be honest only made it that much more scary. It was a good 6’6, terrifying for my 5’7 self.

I wasn't short, but I definitely was not tall. Although, if I was tall I probably wouldnt fit in my box, which would suck. He looked at me a bit more before sitting down cross-legged in front of me. I relaxed a bit, seeing as he hadn't hurt me, yet.

Y/n- “u-uh, hello..?”

No response. He just kept looking at me, sending even more shivers down my spine. He then made a noise, one I recognised all too well.

Y/n- “a-are you...an e-enderman?”

He seemed to perk up at this, which made me notice his two tails. They went over to lay beside him peacefully, showing that he was calm. He smiled at the mention of endermen, which made me assume I was correct.

Y/n- “c-can you speak anything other than endermen?”

I wanted to test the waters a bit, so maybe I could communicate better with him. I had learned english from listening to all the humans that came here, and could now understand what they were saying. It was convenient for a lot of different reasons, but mostly because I could know what they wanted to do.

If they wanted to hurt things or steal something, I would stay hidden in my box. If they were friendly, I would listen to their conversion, maybe get a few laughs out of it. He looked at me, and then spoke.
Ranboo- “Mmhmmm. Yess.”

He ‘spoke’. Yeah, it was more of a blur of noises that somewhat made a coherent sentence, but that's fine. At least we can communicate now.

Y/n- “Alright, can you completely understand me?”

Ranboo- “Yuupppp.”

His slurred words made him somewhat adorable, like a child that was just learning to speak. He looked around for a minute before looking back at me.

Ranboo- “Homeee?”

He made a small enderman noise, probably struggling to continue speaking english.

Y/n- “Yes, this is where I live. Well, actually, more like this shulker box is where i live but you know-”

He cut me off with a small giggle, and I swear my heart melted. His giggle was so innocent, yet, so scary. Like he was the kindest person ever, until you do something he dislikes, then you die.

I had no choice but to giggle with him, all the tenseness I had before melting away. I was sat criss-cross in my box, giggling with an enderman who sat criss-cross in front of me. Little did I know, this would happen a lot more than I thought, and this enderman who once was a stranger, would mean the world to me.

839 words
I wrote most of this during school again-
I forgot this book and the other one i wrote at school are different, oops-
Stuff to know: you are a shulker hybrid, didn't know if you could tell but yeh. You are 17. I want to leave it at that so you can choose the rest, it is a Y/n story after all, not an oc story.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a wonderful day, buh bye!

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