I walk into the gym for P.E.; Indiana's already there; I walk over to her; She looks over my shoulder to watch Ashton pass by the gym on his way to whatever class he's going to; She tries to convince me to talk to him; I say no; we bicker for a few minutes until she gives up, knowing he's probably already made it to his class and there's no catching up with him now.

"Yes, it's a long story, don't ask. I'll fill you in later."

"You better!"

"I will. But right now I need to get home."

"Okay call me when you're home."


I groaned again as the call ended. Great, now I have to call the town asshole just because my stupid ankle gave out on me. As I scrolled through my contacts looking for his number I mentally prepared myself for his cockiness. After finding his number I gave myself no time to back out and immediately hit the call button. It only rang twice before he picked up.

"Need my help now?" I could hear the smile in his voice which somehow made this worse.

"Shut up, I'm only calling because everyone else is busy and I can't walk on my own. Trust me, I tried."

"I'm coming, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Thanks." I ended the call before he could say anything else and sat down on the bench. I had been standing on my good ankle this whole time and it was getting tiring. 

After waiting on the bench awhile I looked at my phone to check the text Indiana just sent me and realized it had been ten minutes since I called Ash. Where was he? I decided to ask but I didn't feel like calling him so instead I just sent him a text. 'Where are you?' Two minutes later I got a reply.

'I'm coming, darling. Just grabbing something first.'

'Hurry up. I just want to go home.' Five minutes later he pulled in the parking lot of the library. As I attempted to walk towards his car he came over and picked me up bridal style, setting me in the passenger seat. My ankle hurt too badly for me to argue. I just wanted to get home, take painkillers and go to bed. 

The second he picked me up I realized how amazing he smelled. He smelled faintly of black coffee and some type of cologne. I wanted to curl up in his arms and fall asleep against his chest. Woah, wait, where did all that come from? I've never thought that about anyone in my life. Pull yourself together Esther, you don't even know why he's doing this for you.

As he got into the driver's seat he reached behind my seat, and pulled out a bag of ice to hand to me. I just stared at him. He brought me an ice pack? Why the hell was he being so nice? This isn't normal for him.

"Take it, Mae" I realized I had just been staring at him and quickly took it and put it on my ankle. "Better? I have painkillers in the glove compartment if you need them."

"Thank you." I said as I got out the painkillers and swallowed one. I didn't know why he was being so nice but I wasn't going to question it right now. I'll ask him some other time.


When I watched Esther fall right in front of me I knew this was my chance. I'd been trying to get her to notice me for years but she never seemed to care. I had tried everything and she didn't seem to notice me whatsoever. When I saw her crying in front of the library I immediately wanted to kill the bastard who made her cry.

She wasn't mine, nor had she ever been but I'd always felt protective over her. As I walked towards her she tried to walk away, not realizing I'd already seen her. When she backed up she fell and I was too far away to catch her. I tried to help her walk home but she didn't want me to, so as I walked away I told her to call me if she changed her mind.

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