He saw my realization that I wasn't able to walk by myself and chuckled. "I may be an asshole but I was taught to help a damsel in distress, Mae." That was one thing about Ash; he always calls me by my middle name, Mae. It annoyed me to my core but no matter how hard I tried to make him stop, he wouldn't. I don't even know how he knew my middle name. I'd never told anyone, the only people who know are my family.

"I'm not a damsel in distress so I think you're good to go."

"Mae, you can't walk on your own and we both know it."

"So I won't walk, I'll call my dad. He'll come pick me up."

"Or you could just let me help you instead of being stubborn."

"No, that's my final answer so just go away." No matter how bad my ankle hurt right now I was not going to accept his help. He was never this nice, it must be some sort of joke between him and his friends. His friends probably dared him to go up to a girl and take her home to hook up with her. That seemed like exactly the type of thing Ash would do.

"Fine, but if you need me, call me, darling. You still have my number right?"

"Yes." I groaned, remembering the school project we had to do together. It was a nightmare but that's a story for another time. He turned and walked away while I called my dad, hoping he picked up.

"Hello?" My dad answered after a few rings. I could hear faint muffled voices behind him and I prayed he was home from the store. He had left two hours ago, normally he would've been done by now and at least on his way home. 

"Hey, could you come pick me up from the library? I think I twisted my ankle."

"I'm still at the store but I'll be home soon. Stay there and I'll come get you."

"No no, dad it's fine, I'll have Josie or Indiana come get me." I tried to convince him I was fine, knowing how worried he got over me at times.

He hesitated. "Alright, text me when you get home."

"I will." I told him before ending the call.

Well so much for that plan.

I dialed Josie's number next, hoping she would be free. "Hello?"

"Hey Jos, I'm at the library and I twisted my ankle, could you come pick me up? Dad's at the store and mom's working."

"Sorry sis, I'm working right now too."

"Shit, I forgot you work today." I sighed, running a hand through my hair.  'It's fine, I'll call Indiana."

There was a loud voice that came from somewhere behind her, yelling at her to get back to work and to get off her phone. "Okay, either way I've got to go, we'll talk when I get home."

"Alright, by-" I was cut off by the ending of the call.

Okay last chance; Indiana. She's my best friend, she won't let me down.

"Hey girl, what's up?"

"Hey, could you come pick me up from the library? I twisted my ankle and I can't walk. My family is all busy."

"Sorry but I'm shopping with my mom right now and I won't be home for a couple hours."

"Damn, okay. I'm going to have to get a ride from Ash then." I groaned, hating that I would have to ask him to come back and pick me up after I just told him I wouldn't need his help.

"ASHTON DALLOWAY ?" Indi almost screamed through the phone, bringing me back to reality. She had always thought Ash and I would be a cute couple and she always tried to get me to talk to him in school yet every time I would roll my eyes and ignore her. She never seem to be deterred though, always trying again the next day. It had become part of our schedule after a while.

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