The laundry room is pretty small, and worn out. It's narrow, there are four washing machines on each side, and a big, mostly empty cupboard against the back wall. It's very warm inside, and it smells like five different kinds of laundry detergent, since everyone brings their own.

Bakugou always stays there the whole two hours that it takes for him to wash his clothes, and nobody knows if it's because he finds the rumbling sounds of the washing machine comforting, or if he doesn't trust anyone and is scared that people will steal his shit. Knowing Bakugou, it has to be the second one. Jirou tries to make him leave the room (probably to explain to Yaoyorozu how to use the washing machine, because, in her words, she has 'never done this before, but knows other people who have'), by telling him that that nobody wants his one and only skull t-shirt anyway and he tells her to fuck off.

"Wanna go watch a movie tomorrow?" Kirishima blurts out, when they finish today's homework. They're in Kirishima's room. "... Or something?" he adds, when Bakugou doesn't look very thrilled by his offer. It's so hard to make plans with Bakugou. One time he convinced him to have lunch with him. Best day of his life.

"I'm busy," Bakugou says. At least he didn't tell him to fuck off right away.

"With what?" Kirishima tries. What kind of plans does Bakugou have on a Friday night anyway?

"You're so fucking nosy," Bakugou sighs, "'m doing my laundry," he mutters.

Kirishima internally laughs. Who would have thought? Bakugou Katsuki Great Plan For a Friday Night is to do his laundry. How cute.

"Actually," Kirishima clears his throat, "I'm really bad at, uh, laundry so, can you, like help me?" He's not bad at laundry, he's bad at lying and Bakugou is going to see right through him and—

"Can't you ask someone else?"

"You're like, the only one who knows!" The lie worked? Bakugou is saying yes?

Bakugou rolls his eyes.

It's a yes!

"Dude, it's a date," Kaminari tells him. He's all sprawled out on Kirishima's bed, eating donuts out of a box.

Kirishima gives him a look.

"Want some?" Kaminari offers him a donut.

Kirishima shakes his head and drops his t-shirt in the 'dirty pile' "We're just doing our laundry together. It's not a date." He's about to go meet up with Bakugou and Kaminari is not helping. He was feeling fine before telling him, and now, he's all stressed out.

"Dude, don't bring your dirty boxers with you!" Kaminari tells him, horrified.

"I only have like, one pair of pants and two t-shirts! I gotta bring something!"

Kirishima doesn't look happy when he runs into Ashido in the hall.

"I told Kaminari I didn't have enough laundry and he wiped his hands on my uniform, so I have more dirty clothes," Kirishima explains when Ashido asks what happened.

"Oh. You can have my dirty laundry, if you want," she offers, but Kirishima shakes his head. He did his laundry with Ashido once. Everything is neon, and some of it glows in the dark. "Why do you even need that for?" she asks.

"Doing my laundry with Bakugou," he explains, and Ashido gasps.

"Oh, my God, you're going on a date with Bakugou."

"It's not..."

"And you're going to be all alone with him! That's a date! A Friday night date! A Friday night laundry date!" Ashido is enjoying this way too much.

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