Chapter 1- The Announcement

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Whale waited outside the party, his tail twitching with impatience. The IceWings would be there soon. Snowstorm would be here soon. Hopefully. A waiter handed him a sweet citrus drink in a coconut and he accepted it, sipping it nervously. The IceWings had said in their letter accepting the party invite that they would be there when the largest of the three moons was low in the sky. The largest moon was now climbing the inky night sky at an alarming rate and Whale began to pace. It was only him, Queen Dolphin, Dolphin's daughter and son, Crab and Shell, King Clam, and another guard called Oyster. Whale was one of Queen Dolphin's most trusted royal guards, despite him only being fourteen. He had served her for five years, ever since he was nine. 

The moons reflected off something silver and shiny in the sky, and Whale looked up to see the IceWings spiraling down to land gracefully on the beach. The group of IceWings consisted of the Queen Radiance, King Freeze, two guards, the IceWing princes, Wolf and Blizzard, five other IceWings Whale didn't know, and princess Snowstorm herself. The fourteen year old IceWing glided gracefully down to land next to Whale. Snowstorm smiled at him, and curled just the tip of her tail, just enough that the others didn't notice, around Whale's navy blue tail. Snowstorm brushed her wings with his, and there was a twinkle in her eye that hinted that Snowstorm was bursting to tell him something. 

"Queen Radiance," Dolphin addressed the IceWing queen. "Welcome to our full moons party to celebrate our alliances," she said, and they followed her inside. As well as the SeaWings and IceWings, the SandWings had also joined their alliance in the recent war over territory between the Pyrrhian tribes. Evening island was designed like the Island Palace, but more open, with wooden boardwalks and jetties sprawling into the vast navy ocean. There were grand halls for dining and parties, often with entire walls facing the ocean either made of glass or roofs and walls completely taken away. This party was held on the beach, to look at the two largest moons that were full. The SandWing's queen, Queen Sahara, was talking to a group of SeaWings around a bonfire in the center of the party. 

When the group of IceWings split up, Snowstorm quickly pulled Whale behind a stone pillar excitedly. "I have a surprise for you! No, TWO surprises! Both of them great!" She squealed like a little dragonet, grinning. "What surprises?" Whale asked, Snowstorm's grin becoming infectious. "Well, I was going to tell my mother that we're together, but-" "WHAT?!" Whale exclaimed so loud that Snowstorm had to shush him. "BUT she interrupted me and said that she had a very important announcement to make tonight, and she told me what it is," "Announcement about-" Whale started, but was interrupted by Queen Radiance speaking on the stage. "Queen Sahara, Queen Dolphin and I have decided to release a restriction between the IceWings, SeaWings and SandWings. That dragons from different tribes may now have get married and have dragonets!" She announced, and both happy cheers and disapproving murmurs went up around the crowd. "That's great!" Whale exclaimed happily. "Whale-" Snowstorm started, but Whale interrupted. "We can finally be together and-" "Whale," Snowstorm said slowly, clasping her talons around his snout and looking into his deep blue eyes. "I'm having dragonets." 

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