As if turned off by a switch, Maximilien grew silent. His shoulders heaved, mechanical whirring replacing the laughter, and he looked over Kailani's shoulder. It was as if he didn't even care that she was there; he was more focused on the omnic standing behind her. "We were wondering what happened to you."

Kailani frowned, and she prayed that Tigress was able to hold herself together. She knew what it was like to face the man behind so much manipulation and terror. She glanced over her shoulder and met her friend's gaze momentarily before Tigress spoke up.

"I decided that I no longer wanted to work for the bad guys," she said and shrugged boredly.

Another chuckle came from Maximilien; this one short, to the point. It was a bitter laugh, laced with venom. "Are you sure Overwatch aren't the bad guys? You know, they kill our kind every day."

"They kill humans too," Tigress retorted without hesitation. "They kill whoever they need to in order to keep the world safe."

"Keep tellin' yourself that, kid," Maximilien snickered. He leaned back in the chair, his glowing gaze flickering to Kailani momentarily. "They make us out to be the villain because we've killed people, but I think that Overwatch has even more blood on their hands than we do. Seems like we're not the only ones who brainwashed you."

A low growl rumbled in Tigress's throat. Before Kailani knew what was happening, her friend leaped across the room towards Maximilien. She gripped his throat tightly, the blades on her knuckles digging into the metallic surface of his neck. "Let's get down to business," she sneered, her face only inches away from the omnic at her mercy. "Tell us where Santiago is or I won't hesitate to kill you."

Maximilien seemed unfazed by the threat. If he could roll his eyes, Kailani knew he would've. "Using the weapons against the creator... How ironic." Tigress growled again, pressing the blades in even further. A few sparks flew from the omnic's throat, and Kailani could see him tense nervously.

Kailani stood from her seat, her eyes narrowed as she glared down at Maximilien. "You're a coward," she spat bitterly. "You fear death. That's why you let us take you alive. Tell us where he is or she will kill you. You of all beings should know how ruthless she can be."

Maximilien didn't say a word. It seemed as though Tigress was growing impatient, for she suddenly gripped his head in one hand and yanked it backwards violently. Maximilien let out a gasp as a blade was held centimeters away from his eye.

"Numbani!" The omnic cried out shakily. Tigress released her grip on him slightly, and she exchanged a pleased glance with Kailani. "I don't know for sure, but there was a huge thing in Numbani. Every upper-rank Talon associate was attending. But what does it matter?" He paused for a moment, his cold gaze shifting to Kailani. "What're you gonna do, Nighthawk?"

"That doesn't concern you," she responded flatly. She nodded towards Tigress, who then let Maximilien go. "That's all we need. Thank you for your cooperation."

With that, the pair left the muttering omnic alone in his holding cell, and Kailani hastily began making her way towards the common room. Tigress hurried after her, and she was rather surprised that her omnic friend was holding up so well after confronting her creator after so long.

"What now?" Tigress asked quietly, making sure they were not overheard by nosy passersby.

"We find Lucas and Lena," Kailani explained. "And then we go to Numbani."

They found Lucas and Lena just outside of the headquarters building. Lucas was jumping around excitedly, and it took Kailani to notice the weapon he was holding in his hands. Lena waved them over upon noticing them approaching, a nervous grin spreading across her features as Lucas continued to toss the weapon around.

" NIGHTHAWK " genji shimada. Where stories live. Discover now